chapter 12

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"Okay, you've lost me," Dominique told Akira as he tried to make sense of what she had just said. Akira gave him a look telling him that she couldn't understand what was so confusing about what she had just told him.

"Look, Akira, whatever you're trying to say, I'm sure it's um....a good idea or whatever but sitting around and thinking about–" he never got to finish what he said.

"You'er right," Akira's eyes widened. "We're wasting time! We have to get going!" She turned and began to walk from the room.

Dominique scratched his head as he watched her, wondering if she had just reached a whole other level of madness. "And where exactly are we going?" he asked.

Akira turned, looking surprised, "To get a piece of Redemption's armor of course."

Dominique's mouth fell open.

"What?" Akira asked.

" want to go and steal a piece of the dragon of legend's armor?" Dominique asked, disbelief and yet at the same time awe, in his voice.

"Okay, first of all," Akira held up a finger, "Technically it's not stealing. Redemption is my dragon after all and so his armor belongs to me, and second," she added a second finger to the first, "It might be the only way to get Redemption over here and the sooner he comes the sooner I can go home!"

Dominique closed the distance between them and grabbed her shoulders and shook her until her teeth rattled. "What the heck are you talking about, woman?" he demanded.

"St....St...Stop!" Akira managed to get out through shaking teeth.

"Huh?" Dominique asked as he continued to shake her.

"!" Akira tried again.

"Oh," Dominique stopped shaking her. "Sorry," he grinned sheepishly removing his hands from her shoulder. His grin suddenly disappeared. "Now explain!" he demanded his voice all serious and business like.

Akira took a deep breath. "Somehow you called me through time, I didn't know how but I think now that it was because you brought the sword, my sword," she paused as if daring him to contradict her, he didn't and so Akira continued, "By bringing an object that belonged to me in the past, to a place where I had been in the past, and wishing that I was there, you accomplished what no one else has before," she paused as if that would add more drama to what she was about to say, "You managed to call me forth from the past. You are the reason I time traveled!"

"Oh boy," Dominique hit his forehead with the palm of his hand. "Here we go again with the time travel story, Akira it's not–"

"So I figured that if you managed to get me to come that way then maybe we can get Redemption to this time the same way, by taking a piece of his armor to the field and wishing him forth!" Akira's eyes shone with hope and excitement.

"Wishing him forth?" Dominique asked sarcastically.

Akira bobbed her head enthusiastically in reply.

"Akira look..." Dominique trailed off. "Okay," he began again. "Let's say you were the rider of legend," he decided that he could play along with this game, "Why would you want to bring your dragon to this time?"

Akira looked at him as though he was mad, "To set things right of course."

"Of course," Dominique sighed. "Because that's what you do," he added sarcastically.

"Besides, with Redemption here maybe we could discover a way back," Akira smiled radiantly, "And then everything would be back to how it should be!"

"Look, Akira..." as she looked up at him with questioning eyes Dominique trailed off. The honesty in Akira's eyes about the whole situation made him pause, thinking that maybe he shouldn't dash her hopes. Maybe if he did do this with her, if he helped her steal what she wanted, then he could prove to her once and for all that she was living a lie, that she wasn't the rider of legend. But then again, what was he thinking? Stealing a piece of armor that belonged to the dragon of legend himself? He was sure he wouldn't get within twenty feet of it without getting caught.

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