chapter 30

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Nothing was the same. It was almost like after the first time Dominique had showed Akira the city, except twice as bad. After their visit to the field Akira just lapsed into a silence no one could bring her out of. She did speak, but only to answer questions with a yes or no answer, making most of the Resistance avoid speaking to her altogether. 

Hearing her cry was something Dominique realized he could handle, because at least then he knew what she was feeling, but this silence, he just couldn't stand it. Celine suggested that it was probably shock from suddenly realizing how close she had come to the hanging and everyone else seemed to agree, yet only Dominique knew the truth. 

He told himself that things would get better, that Akira had finally accepted the truth and that things were as they should be. Yet then why did they feel so wrong? With a sigh Dominique realized that he had thought about getting Akira to see the truth the entire time, but now that he had finally gotten her to open her eyes it was as if Akira had disappeared altogether, as though some alien had taken over her body. Sure, she still breathed, answered questions, joined in conversations, yet it was clear to Dominique that Akira was gone, all that remained was an empty shell, and that, was why he was beginning to doubt it all. 

He sat in the cave staring at Akira who sat staring at the charred remains of the fire, not blinking, not smiling, her face pale, her hair limp as she sat in the same position without moving a muscle. Just like a cold stone statue, her face lacked any emotion. 

Celine, who had finally been married to Ray two days after Akira's rescue, was in the back of the cave, folding the washed clothes she had just dried in the sun, while Ray was out, meeting with some of the men from the Resistance. They were planning a big job, though what it was Dominique hadn't been told yet. 

As he surveyed Akira Dominique frowned. The sun was out, it was a new day. He should be outside, getting an adrenaline rush by doing something crazy or getting in trouble, not sitting here and sulking. Yet he found that with Akira doing nothing he didn't feel like it either and her depressing mood was catchy. 

"Akira?" he asked. 

She didn't move a muscle she didn't even turn her eyes to look at him. 

"Can't you at least look at me?" he asked frustrated. 

Akira slowly turned her lifeless blue eyes on him and yet Dominique could tell that she didn't really see him. 

"That's it!" Dominique got to his feet and turned to leave. He reached the entrance just as Ray appeared to come in. 

"What's wrong?" he asked, seeing Dominique's frustrated look. 

"I can't take this anymore," Dominique muttered in reply as he brushed past his brother. 

"Dominique!" Celine protested, watching him leave with worry in her eyes. 

"Let him go," Ray told her gently as he walked fully into the cave. He shot a look at Akira and seeing no change just shook his head. "He seems to have a lot on his mind, he just needs some time alone," he told Celine. He walked over to her, gave her a peck on the check, and then grabbed a pack before turned and walking back out of the cave. Celine watched him go, a smile on her face before she turned her gaze onto Akira.

Akira didn't know how much time had passed since she and Dominique had been at the field, and she didn't care. What did time matter when it wouldn't bring Redemption back to her? All this time she had been pushing herself towards the one goal, of getting Redemption to come here, all this time, all for nothing. She had lived every second, every moment, each day one at a time, telling herself that she would see Redemption again soon when the fact was, she was never going to see him again. 

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