chapter 24

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They left at dawn. Ray gathered a force of ten members from the Resistance. When Dominique complained about the small force Ray patiently explained that any more than ten and they would be noticed by Watchers not long after they entered the city for sure. Any less and a successful rescue would be impossible. Yet in the end even Dominique had to admit that ten was not so small a number that they would go completely undetected.

Ray however had planned it all out. He split the group up, making sure that they traveled, some alone and some paired up; as not all of them had their own dragon some had too team up anyway. Ray made sure that they all knew that each group was to enter the city at a different time and from a different direction, making sure that no one suspected them to be together.

Now Ray and Dominique were sitting in an inn called "Queen Run." The other Resistance members that had come along were spread out throughout the city, ready to appear as soon as Ray called, yet for now they stayed away to escape suspicion.

"You know, they'll be expecting a rescue," Ray told Dominique softly as not to be overheard by anyone else sitting in the lounge of the inn.

Dominique only nodded his head in reply, his eyes not meeting his brother's but roaming constantly over the small crowded room, searching for anything or anyone suspicious. Unlike the 'Red Dragon' the 'Queen Run' was not a popular spot with the youth. It was too small, too formal and most of all too quiet. Partying was far from the inn owner's priority, if anything he discouraged it. Dominique would have preferred the louder environment of the 'Red Dragon' and yet he knew that going back there would be stupidity, not after what had happened, Watchers could be watching it.

"So, you do know there's a risk of us getting caught," Ray continued.

A bitter smile curved on Dominique's lips at that.

"What?" Ray asked.

Dominique turned his eyes to meet his brother's. "Nothing...It's just that...I told Akira the same thing before we went into the Academy."

"What did she say?" Ray asked.

"That we wouldn't be caught," Dominique said softly.

Ray did not comment but just shook his head.

"So...have you got a plan yet?" Dominique asked his brother cautiously. They had arrived in the city that day leaving them only two more days before Akira was going to get hanged.

Ray gave Dominique a long look and Dominique felt his heart sink, knowing that he wasn't about to like what his brother was going to tell him.

"As I said, they'll be expecting a rescue," Ray twirled the mug filled with liquid before him. "The prison will be well guarded. There won't be a way in..."

Dominique opened his mouth to interrupt.

"There won't be a way in," Ray repeated firmly, taking away Dominique's chance to comment, "not into the prison itself. Believe me brother, I know."

Dominique's head dropped slightly and he just nodded. He knew that his brother must have already had the area scouted out.

"The only way I see it is that we'll only have even the slightest chance of rescuing her is if we can get to her is at the hanging itself," Ray spoke in a low tone.

Dominique's head snapped up and he met his brother's eyes, shaking his head. "No," he said firmly, panic beginning to fill him. "No way Ray, no way!" he hissed as his fists clenched. "The hanging itself, are you crazy! It'll be impossible to get into..."

"Its public, it will make it easier," Ray replied calmly.

"If there is one slip up, if we make even one mistake..." Dominique shook his head, "it'll be too late, we can't take that risk!"

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