chapter 22

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Akira watched as Dominique turned and jumped through the window just as the Watchers reached it. Relief filled her, relief that Dominique had gotten away with the armor. A small smile appeared on her face despite the pain she was in. They had succeeded. 

The Watcher holding Akira muttered curses as he realized that Dominique was out of his reach. 

"Find him!" he ordered the other Watchers. 

Immediately they spread out. "You my dear are coming with me," the Watcher told Akira as he proceeded to drag her back down the hallway by her hair, holding her sword in his free hand. 

Akira struggled, yet she was still in pain from the impact of the shocker, not to mention that all her muscles seemed to feel weak and useless after the last hit. She noted after the second turn where the Watcher was taking her, and sure enough, moments later he burst through the door into the room in which Redemption's skeleton stood. Without mercy the Watcher shoved Akira forward, sending her stumbling to her knees. 

"And what have we here?" a soft and yet deep voice asked. 

Akira lifted her eyes to see that she was kneeling in front of a tall, lean man with slicked back black hair and brown eyes that currently showed disdain. She noticed wryly that the curtain behind was once again in place, disallowing the Watcher to see what was behind it. For some reason the council didn't seem to take too well to many people seeing the skeleton beyond. 

"She was trying to break in, sir," the Watcher behind Akira spoke, his voice emotionless. The man in front of her peered down at Akira, his expression thoughtful.  

"She had this on her," the Watcher added as he lifted Akira's sword triumphantly. 

The tall stared at it as though not believing his eyes. He reached out and slowly took the sword from the Watcher, holding it as though it was made of glass. "Its shinier than I remember," he mused, "Even the carvings seem even more distinct." He stared down at Akira, taking in her white clothes that she wore under her cloak. "This is impossible. She cannot be Strider," he murmured. 

"She isn't. There was another one with her, a boy. He took the stolen object with him. We believe that he is Strider," the Watcher replied. 

Akira felt her heart skip a beat. Strider? Were they talking about Dominique? She had heard Ray mention Strider a few times with distaste. Apparently he was some guy who helped out, and yet he didn't always do it in the safest or quietest way. Were Strider and Dominique the same person? If so why hadn't he told her? 

"Did you get a good look at him?" the tall man asked the Watcher. 

"Not exactly sir," was the reply. "His eyes though, they're green, that was all I saw, he was wearing a cloak just like this one," he jabbed his finger at Akira's cloak. 

The tall man sighed, "Oh well, not all is lost." He stared down at Akira who flinched under his piercing eyes. This man had a cold feeling radiating from him, and it felt all too familiar to being in Haiden's presence. 

"I don't suppose you would be willing to tell us the identity of this Strider?" he asked Akira gently. 

Akira glared at him. 

"No, I thought not," the man sighed. 

"Torture sir?" the Watcher asked and Akira felt a cold feeling or horror wash through her. 

"Too messy, besides, it might take too long," the tall man replied. Akira felt relief flood through her. "I have a better Idea," the man continued, his eyes never leaving Akira's face. 

"Sir?" the Watcher asked. 

"Get the word out that she is to be hanged in three days under the charges of ATTEMPTING to break into the academy. Do not, under any circumstances, mention that she came within these walls. Also, add the charges of her attacking Watchers and being Strider." 

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