chapter 14

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They spent a day at the new hideout, not doing much other than relaxing. Everyone joined in the fun, swimming in the lake and having competitions to see who could catch the most fish with their bare hands. Akira took part in the fun, and yet she was restless, knowing that while she was here without a care in the world, many others were suffering, dragons and humans alike. She shot Dominique questioning looks throughout the day, wondering when they were going to get a move on. 

Dominique knew that Akira was waiting impatiently, wanting to get going, and yet somehow he felt like putting the trip off. He liked the third hideout, it was the one place where he could pretend that everything was fine, and the thought of going back to the city and attempting the impossible, somehow unnerved him. Sure, it was an adventure of a life time, but somehow he had a feeling that it wouldn't be without consequences. 

Yet after a day of Akira's constant pleading looks he knew he couldn't put it off any longer. They needed to get back to the city, to watch the academy, find out how things worked. That meant staying there for a couple of days at least, but to go there he had to get by Ray, and he couldn't think of an excuse that would get him his brother's permission to stay in the city for more than a day. 

"And since when do you ask for permission?" Breeze thought somewhat amused. 

Dominique's reply was a grin. Breeze was right. Besides, what his brother didn't know wouldn't hurt him. He would just leave a note behind saying that he had taken Akira for a trip around and would be back, by not telling his brother where he was going he would make sure that no one would follow and try to stop him. 

So when nightfall came Dominique sneaked into the cave and packed a backpack with a few essentials. He 'borrowed' a few extra daggers and other weapons from the Resistances armory, adding another tube, similar to his, to his supply. After searching around a while he found his brother's things and took a few dracos and some silver coins, telling himself that he would pay it all back sometime later. Besides, it wasn't like Ray would need them while he was here in camp, taking forever to plan the Resistance's next move. 

It was close to dawn and most of the Resistance was asleep, when Dominique crept over to Akira and gently shook her awake. Her eyes shot open and she stared up at him, her entire body tense and ready to spring. 

"Let's go," Dominique murmured. 

For a moment Akira lay where she was, looking slightly confused, before realization filled her eyes. "To the academy?" she whispered, not wanting to wake Celine or Ray who were sleeping. Dominique nodded once and Akira slowly got up, looking still somewhat sleepy. 

"I'll be with Breeze down at the lake," Dominique told her, turning and walking off, giving Akira the chance to get ready. 

He crept down to the lake find Breeze, now a brown dragon, waiting just as they had planned. Working fast Dominique tied his bundle of supplies to the saddle. He glanced at the dark, starry sky, realizing that they needed to get going before dawn, not only so that no one would ask where they were going, but also because the flight from here to the city was a good day's ride, and he wanted to arrive before dark. For when it got dark the city's security intensified and it got so much harder to get in. 

"Do we need anything else?" Dominique jumped as Akira spoke softly behind him. He whirled around to face her, wondering how she managed to sneak up on him so quietly. Once again he hadn't noticed she was there until she spoke. He frowned as he caught sight of the bundle of possessions she carried, catching sight of her white clothes inside it, as well as her sword. 

"I'm taking them along," Akira told him firmly. Seeing his eye on them, she clutched the bundle closer, as if telling him there was no arguing. 

Dominique just shook his head, hoping that for both their sakes Akira kept her possessions well out of sight from anyone and everyone. It would do no one good if someone saw them with the sword. Yet he didn't argue against her taking them, knowing that if he did they would most likely be standing here until dawn. 

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