chapter 37

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They went to the quarries, taking Nemis, who had wisely not tried to run, and the rest of the council with them to order the immediate closing of the mine and the release of all the dragons and humans alike that worked in them. Feeling in the mood Akira had even gotten Nemis' to grudgingly promise everyone who had worked there payment from the council's treasury. The crowd from the city had followed, growing in numbers along the way until it seemed to Akira that and ocean of people were following her. 

Now Akira sat some distance away from the quarries, watching as dirty, tired, rugged humans walked up the steps, that she had found lead all the way down to the quarries. Their faces were thin and grubby and yet in their eyes shone new hope. Some ran to meet family and friends they recognized in the crowd from the city, others seemed to suddenly find relatives that had been captive with them but they had never seen before until now. Mothers ran to children, tears streaming down their faces as they hugged their young ones, and men ran around, trying to find their wives, if they were still alive. Those that looked at total loss were soon taken in by members of the crowd who felt sympathy. 

Dragons flew out, looking tired and having too much skin hanging from their bones, a sure sign of having been starved. Others were full of scars, and yet the fact that they were out of the quarries seemed to put a new light into their once dull yellow eyes. One or two had even chosen a rider among the captives in the quarries, and now followed them faithfully. 

Akira watched as she stood on the ground and leaned against Redemption, a smile on her face. She and Redemption seemed to have been forgotten, yet she didn't care, she was just happy to witness this moment. 

"Nemis was too hesitant," Redemption thought. 

Akira turned her head to where the council stood huddled together. Out of the four of them Nemis was the only one that had a look between shear helplessness and rage on his face. 

"You should have killed him. I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about him," Redemption thought grudgingly as he shot a glare over at Nemis. 

"Where we can avoid bloodshed we will," was Akira's reply as she turned back to the happier scene of families reuniting. 


Both Akira and Redemption's heads snapped around at the mention of her name. Seeing Anita and Savannah, who was staring at Redemption with her mouth wide open, Akira smiled in greeting. 

"Hey," she told them, while Redemption, curious, went through Akira's memories to find out how she knew these two strange girls. 

"Hi," Anita responded, giving Savannah a jab with her elbow and causing her to close her mouth with a snap. "So..." Anita began. 

Akira looked at her questioningly. 

"You're the rider of legend!" Savannah blurted out, getting a disapproving look from Anita. 

"One of them," Akira shrugged, feeling somewhat amused at Savannah's look of wonder in contrast to Anita's calm acceptance of the situation. 

"But your dead!" Savannah exclaimed. Realizing what she said she blushed, "I mean, died, like hundreds of years ago!" 

Redemption let out a snort of amusement. 

"It's complicated," Akira smiled. 

"Why didn't you tell us?" Anita asked softly. 

Akira paused before replying, not sure what to say, "I...guess it never crossed my mind to tell you." 

"But you told Dominique?" Anita demanded. 

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