Rarg &Nara

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After the plan was successfully finalised ensuring no room for error and little disagreement from Princess Allura, the paladins were given assignments to pursue. Hunk and Keith would be sent to gather scaultrite from the inside of a Weblum while the other three would attempt to break out an important genius from a high-security prison. They were allowed a few minutes to discuss and rest before they would be separated for a least a few days.


Both the red paladin and Hunk twisted their heads to find Kolivan and Antok by the door. Keith knew they'd seek him out but he had hoped he would have been alone. He supposed it was inevitable, Hunk would find out eventually along with everyone else so he didn't stop the Galra when he continued to speak.

"How is it that your showing signs of Galra?"

Keith unfolded his arms and brought his hands into sight causing Hunk's eyes to explode before looking closer at them and finding what was occurring fascinating.

"Druid magic." Keith offered only a small amount of information. He had wanted to explain everything hoping Kolivan had a reasonable explanation but knew that the man was an outsider, a stranger, a Galra. No, he wouldn't treat these men like Allura treated them, treated him.

"Druid magic you say?" Kolivan placed a hand to his chin curiosity striking his features.

"Yeah, why?"

"There are only a few explanations to this." Kolivan moved closer, placing his hand out. "May I?"

Keith hesitated before resting his hands on the Galra's palm letting the male examine him. Hunk was peering over Keith's shoulder in both awe and shock tracing the red paladin's sharp claws.

"So why are Keith's hands so purple and furry?" Hunk asked.

"It seems perhaps that you were primarily Galra, to begin with. You say your father was human?" Kolivan waited for Keith to nod before he continued. "So your mother must have received help from a druid to retract the physical traits of your Galra DNA. But the question is why and how? The druids are loyal to Zarkon and Zarkon alone."

"Wait." Hunk shook his head. "You're saying Keith isn't supposed to look like this?"

"I do not believe so." Kolivan let Keith's hand go, watching the child attempting to decipher who this boy truly was. The Galra noticed the realisation spread over Keith's face and Kolivan rose a brow. "You know who did this?"

"I had a weird dream last night," Keith spoke quietly. "I thought I was just making it up."

"What happened?"

"A Galra woman was speaking to one of the druids and she had a baby. The druid retracted the physical DNA. His name was Rarg or something."

"Rarg?" Hunk hummed.

"Rarg is one of the druids loyal to Zarkon," Kolivan spoke a little confusion slipping through.

"You know him?" Keith seemed hopeful as Hunk asked the men with anticipation.

"Yes. He is one of the five that ensure Zarkon is all powerful. I can't imagine he would help someone who fought against his emperor." Kolivan was bewildered unable to make sense of what Keith was telling him. "The woman. Did they mention a name?"

"Ah yeah, the druid called her Nara."

If Kolivan had had a mouth full of water he would have sprayed it out in shock. Antok stiffened and shook his head in disbelief.

"Impossible." The Galra muttered.

"Why? Who is she?" Keith and Hunk watched them with curiosity as the two Galra shared a glance.

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