Cold or Soft Hearted?

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I know there are few Keith x Lance shippers reading this and I think I just need to clarify that this is not and never will be a Klance story. Sorry?


"What's going on?" Allura's voice filled with power and position had the surrounding witnesses jump a little in fright.

"Keith has been harbouring Prince Lotor within the castle." Kolivan turned to the Princess, exposing the curled up Galra Prince and the protective Red Paladin staring doe-eyed at the now horrified Allura.


Keith could hear the utter betrayal in the Altean's voice and gulped readying himself to explain. If he could just get the woman to understand that the Galra was worth more alive than dead then it would give him more time to decipher Lotor's plans and counter with one of his own. To both, his and Lotor's revelation Allura gave the Red Paladin the benefit of doubt and allowed the Prince to stay. She refused to give a reason, shutting the Marmoran's with a snap of her words and simply turned and left. The last thing Keith saw was the trust that he hoped he hadn't just betrayed float in her eye.

Keith had taken Lotor aside away from the stares shoving him into one of the many rooms of the castle and slammed him against the wall, arms pressed firmly against the other's chest. Lotor's eyes were wide with alarm and he unintentionally shivered under the death like glare the Red Paladin sent his way.

"You even think about harming Allura or anyone on this ship, I'll kill you where you stand. If you disrespect anyone, I'll kill you. You think about communicating with anyone from the outside, I'll kill you. You think about misleading me or anyone else... I think you get the picture." Keith sneered releasing the Prince purposely ignoring the thump of his body as it slid down the wall. Keith didn't expect a reply and glanced around the room eyeing the large steps a few metres away. "Now let's clean you up."


Lotor hissed and flinched as the cold hit his split lip, grasping Keith's wrist as it recoiled away. Keith gave the Galra a soft gaze that had the Prince faltering for a moment allowing the Red Paladin to firmly lay a cold pack onto his mouth.

"Are you okay?" Keith slightly altered the pack's position, Lotor consciously aware as the boy's finger unintentionally brushed his cheek.

"I'm fine," Lotor mumbled before offering to take the cold pack himself, wrenching it away as the paladin resisted. Keith dropped his arm to the side, a small tweak of a smile on his lips as he watched Lotor test his wound. "I suppose I shouldn't have expected a welcoming party."

"I told you to stay put."

Lotor rolled his eyes at the self-righteousness that seeped through Keith's words and pressed the coldness back to his throbbing lip.

"I don't tend to listen to orders that hinder me."

"I gathered." Keith sighed noticing that the Prince had yet to release his side, kneeling down to level with the Galra. "Let me see."

"What? Get off of me immediately." Lotor barked as Keith leaned in and attempted to remove his hand, quick to fiercely smack the boys arm away. Keith held his hands up in retreat and slumped back against the wall. He didn't respond to Lotor's sudden defensiveness, if the Galra refused his help then he was on his own. Keith easily ignored the Galra as his face scrunched up in agony at the sudden movements he just endured, his fingers clutching harshly at his side. They stayed silent for a few minutes until Keith heard hesitant footsteps, turning his head to find Hunk by the door. The Red Paladin could see the dark-skinned male staring in slight awe at the Galra Prince and rose a brow. He supposed Hunk had always been curious of the different species that inhabited the universe and the Galra were no exception. But since they were the enemy, Hunk was never able to get close enough to have any type of conversation with one. Keith rose from his spot and approached the Yellow Paladin gently grasping his hand.

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