Bonding & Rescue

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Hunk didn't know what to do or even say as he sat rigidly between two jagged uncomfortable rocks within a shallow cave with the Red Paladin positioned as far away as he could be, mouth curled down in a strained frown. The Yellow Paladin was clutching desperately at himself, his arms wrapped tightly around his torso attempting to stop the rapidly escaping heat of his body. Hunk observed a little annoyingly that Keith didn't seem affected against the freezing temperatures, knife in his palms slowly twisting the blade over and over as he stared out to the icy fields they had just travelled on not even a threat of a shiver lingering in the paladin's body. Hunk, however, was icy cold, he was sure his fingers were slowly numbing, an aching pain settling at the tips of his fingers. Hunk involuntarily let out a mumbled whimper as a shudder of cold enveloped him for a moment too long. His eyes tightly and swiftly closed as Keith's head snapped towards him, not wanting to see the pitiful orbs that were surely aimed his way. He heard the light footsteps as he shivered violently still not daring to open his eyes when Keith slumped down beside him. Their sides touched with a warmth that had Hunk's heart flourishing erratically, almost sighing with relief at the heat, restraining himself from moving any closer. When the Red Paladin's head hesitantly landed on his shoulder Hunk's eyes flew open and he glanced at the helmet covered head as it shuffled to a more comfortable position.

"What are you doing?" Hunk couldn't help but ask a slight confusion to his words but it held the hint of thankfulness that had Keith shifting ever so slightly closer.

"It's cold."

Hunk gulped at Keith's gruff voice but knew that the Paladin was merely making an excuse on behalf of Hunk's self-esteem. It was clear Keith had just wanted to silence his needy whines and it seemed that words were not going to stop the frequent quivers. If that were the case Hunk decidedly didn't reply instead focusing on the strange but welcomed warmth that Keith was willingly providing. They stayed that way for some time, the howls of the lashing storm a welcoming noise in the awkward silence that settled between them. Hunk decided to put them both at ease, opening his mouth before he really thought about the words that had formulated in his mind.

"This is awkward." If Hunk still had feeling in his palm he would have hidden his face at his own stupidity but instead, he winced and shook his head lightly.

"You can say that again," Keith replied not seeming to notice the dark-skinned male's inner turmoil, his head still leaning heavily on Hunk's shoulder. The Yellow Paladin couldn't help the easy smile that found its way to his lips, tilting his head down to Keith whose face was purposely obscured by his helmet.

"Thank you." Hunk realising that pity was not what Keith was conveying, he had genuinely wanted to help. The Yellow Paladin wanted to shift, to see the concern written on Keith's face, the embarrassment that was sure to be plain as day. But Hunk resisted, it wasn't often Keith flourished his emotions out in the open and he didn't want to lose the heat that was shielding him from the ever-growing coldness.

"It's nothing." Keith flung his hand out on impulse, waving the Yellow Paladin off unable to hide the bashfulness from his voice. Thankfully Hunk didn't question it and Keith felt the dark-skinned male finally relax his body and let out an almost inaudible sigh that had Keith flushing down to his neck.

It was at least another hour or so before the storm finally died down and the two Paladins could continue their journey. They both knew the other was silently deciphering what had just occurred within the small cave but neither were brave enough to speak out. They had more pressing matters to attend to, Rarg was still out there and they had yet to make contact with Pidge and Lotor. Keith glanced over his shoulder to ensure Hunk was still following before examining what was ahead. Two large pillars of shaped jagged ice caught his attention, they didn't seem natural against the jutted mountain it originated from, almost like they had been summoned from thin air. Keith felt the pull grow in strength and turned back to his companion, smiling a little with humour as the man heaved himself up the edge of the cliff.

"You alright, Hunk?"

"Fine." Hunk heaved in a little harshly, his hands leaning on his knees as he gulped in the fresh air. "How much further?"

"We're heading for what's between those pillars."

"Are you sure, Rarg is there?" Hunk followed Keith's finger, internally groaning in horror at the large distance.

"No, it's more of a gut feeling," Keith smirked at Hunk's exasperated look and waited for the Yellow Paladin to catch his breath before they continued.


Long aged fingers slowly reached out, not wincing at the cracking sound the knuckles made as the digits closed around the piece of equipment. The helmet that was brought to sit on the cloaked lap was cold against the matured skin. The visor reflected the being's face and a hand voluntarily brushed the markings that bore the cheekbones. Pale red in colour but still held the wearer's true origins. It had been an age since this face had been uncovered and a small burst of freedom washed over its features recalling the mask that had covered this face had been destroyed in the blast of battle. The pale blue eyes staring back were wracked with exhaustion, the crow's feet ageing them far older than reality. A weak sigh passed the thinly veiled lips only to turn to a sound of pain at the sudden clench of chest muscles. Dark purple bruises were sure to litter every inch of the scrawny chest beneath the tattered robes. The deep slash that made it's way from beneath the cloak's collar to the lobe of a pointed ear that wilted at the strain of the laceration was seeping a fair amount of blood. Fingers delicately pressed against it, the words flowing as a whisper as a small white light emitting from the digits enveloped the wound. The hand fell away, grasping the helmet to inspect the work, nodding in satisfaction at the thin white line that had replaced the deep open wound. The helmet was lowered back down, eyes assessing the world around it. A cave, that much was obvious, unable to recall how they ended up here the attention was taken to the opening that led to an escape. An attempt to move was quickly squashed as the intense pain overwhelmed the weak body, stars danced in front of pale blue vision and attempted to blink them away, breath heavy. Waiting for the dizziness and nausea to subside, comfort was found in the shape of broken armour. The white and red armour was covered with an icy layer but still held an aura of life. A life that had thought to have been snuffed out some millennia ago.

A distant patter had ears pricked in attention and eyes furiously attempting to see through walls. Something or someone was making their way towards this location and lips were unable to decide to call out. A voice caught his attention, unfamiliar but not unwelcome. Another voice joined the first and eyes widened in fear. That tone was unmistakable. Biting the words that threatened to come out, tension-filled shoulders waited, waited for the inevitable end that was sure to come. The footsteps became louder with each breath-taking step and pale blue eyes closed in anxiety, body twitching at each echo of feet colliding with ice. An intake of breath had eyes opening again and mouth lapsed open in bewilderment.

"Rarg. You are alive, thank the Dark Heavens."

Rarg could only stare as Prince Lotor fell to his side, pushing away the white locks that had fallen over his eye. The look of sincerity had the Druid alarmed, his head snapping away only to cry out as the pain shot through his frail body.

"He is heavily injured, his needs medical attention."

"Okay, do you think you can carry him?"

Rarg wearily watched the Prince with extreme suspicion only turning to his companion when she talked. The girl was clad in armour much like the one she was currently gathering in her arms. A Paladin. Rarg rose a brow and turned back to Lotor who was already looking at him. Concern flittered over the Prince's features and the Druid clutched tighter at the helmet he had yet to relinquish from his grasp.

"Lotor." Rarg was not surprised his voice was rough and crackled but the pain it caused his throat had Rarg wincing to a great degree.

"Hush Rarg, no harm will come to you," Lotor reassured, gently removing the death-like grip on the Red Paladin's helmet and offered it to Pidge. "We're going to get you out of here."

Rarg could only nod, the sudden company caused exhaustion to flood his body and despite his body's protests, he let the Prince lift him from the frigid ice. The warmth that the Prince offered him had Rarg's eyes slowly closing, the Red Paladin's helmet fuzzing away as darkness overtook him.

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