Projection of Immorality

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To think Keith hadn't yet reached his boiling point throughout their long and tiresome journey across space, had shocked Hunk somewhat. The yellow paladin was watching anxiously as his friend slowly begin to lose control of the rage he had managed to keep contained for so long as they sped back to the Altean's new home planet. Hunk kept a small distance from Keith, wanting to comfort his friend, but hesitant to receive the backlashing in return for trying.

Shiro was mostly silent on their way back, Romelle sobbing quietly, welcoming the yellow paladin's soothing arm around her back. Hunk could barely imagine what the Altean female was feeling. To see her people drained of their very life essence at the hands of their supposed saviour, it had been a harrowing sight. To watch Keith and Shiro, Paladins of Voltron; the protectors of the universe, pull each and every Altean from their pods; limp, and delicately frail into an organised line could only drive home the hopelessness Romelle was shouldering. The slightest movement could cause those, that were still grasping at the straws of life, immense pain and suffering. It was difficult to ignore the wails of the dying and the deafening silence of the dead. Hunk gulped at the recollection and began to softly run his hand up and down Romelle's arm.

As they landed back among the other Lion's, Hunk helped Romelle to her feet, guiding her gently from the lion. Keith stayed beside Shiro, silent in his spilling fury. They walked solemnly back towards the village and Hunk could already hear the joys of children's laughter and talk of happiness between adults.

As soon as the lively Altean's came into sight Hunk whimpered quietly. It was heart-breaking to know they had no idea what their saviour was secretly doing to them. Hunk quickly scanned his surroundings for the Galra prince and felt himself tense considerably at the sharp smile Lotor had plastered on his lips as he gazed down at the small Altean child, who was attached to his leg, like an octopus smothering his prey. Hunk's limbs were too stiff to move, to try to place a barrier between predator and his unaware game. He quaked as Keith growled beneath his breath before he ran, his Bayard transforming into the familiar blade as he pursued his target. Hunk came back to his senses as Shiro called out Keith's name, witnessing the blow Lotor managed to parry as Keith's sword was swung towards him. The small Altean child had been pushed aside in the scuffle, sniffling and clutching his grazed knee. Hunk followed after Shiro and beelined for the child while the black paladin set his sights on the two, part Galra's, attempting to tear each other throats out. Hunk scooped the young Altean into his arms and turned just in time to see Keith and Lotor simultaneously land a hit that had them both staggering back with Lotor falling to his knees.

Shiro had caught up, wrapping his arms under Keith's armpits and brought his arms back, allowing them to strain with the threat of popping from their sockets.

"Lotor, stay down," Shiro commanded with a fierce glare and nodded once as Lotor huffed and began to nurse his bruising jaw. Keith was still wrestling Shiro's hold and snarling at the Galra prince. "Keith, that's enough. Stand down."

"He doesn't deserve to live." Keith spat at Lotor and bared his sharp canines. "You're a monster."

"I see your little journey was enlightening." Lotor stood and smoothed his hair over before speaking again. "We should talk."

"Talk?" Keith scoffed in exasperation as Hunk walked over with the child still in his arms. "So we can hear your excuses? You manipulated and killed these people! Raising them like cattle."

Lotor's calm façade vanished and he flared with untamed rage. "What I did saved millions of lives! Don't speak as if you know exactly what's happening here!"

"Hey, what's with all the noise?" Lance appeared at the door of one of the Altean's homes and gulped at what he saw. "What's going on?"

"Let's talk somewhere else," Shiro announced and motioned to Lance with his head. "Can you find the others?"

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