Prisoner 5221

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I've decided to do a chapter on Zarkon's point of view cause he's actually one of my favourites! And I'm sorry this has taken me so long to do!


Zarkon was beginning to feel restless, with too many variables and consequences of the events that were currently in motion, he had to make the first move. He was the King of the chess board and was determined to win the match he was playing with Princess Allura. The Galra King scowled at the sound of the witch's voice, fitting his helmet before turning to address the pointed eared woman who removed her cowl moments before. Her eyes showed emotion the Galra Emperor hadn't seen in many millennia.

"What is it, Witch? I have things to attend to." Zarkon ignored the strange feeling Haggar was trying to push on him and adjusted his blackened gloves, allowing the servant to clip his cape to his pauldrons.

"I was just informed you're leaving the fleet," Haggar spoke a little concerned, swiftly bowing as the hardened hues that glared at her demanded respect. "I am wondering what is so important that you would leave at a time like this?"

"Well, fortunately for you, you aren't privy to such information." The Galra male commented with a threatening air around his words. "Have you found my daughter?"

Zarkon smirked as the woman in front of him flinched slightly at the mention of Nara. The flicker of dishonesty came and went from Haggar's eye causing Zarkon to march forward and take the woman by her neck.

"If you cannot do a simple task of locating someone, then you are not worth my time." The King intimidated as his grasp tightened. Haggar gasped, eyes widening a little as she was lifted up, her toes desperately trying to find purchase on the ground below.

"Z-Zarkon please." Haggar choked, gently clawing at the Emperor's arm. "I-I know where she is."

Zarkon's grip instantly lightened and he let the witch slump to the ground. As the woman soothed her throat and desperately drunk in the air to fill her lungs, the Emperor crouched down and grasped the woman's jaw roughly.

"Where are they?" Zarkon growled lowly his patience slowing thinning as the woman hesitated in answering.

"They're floating in the Astona Quadrant," Haggar let her hand fall against the cold floor as she stared into the similar frozen eyes of her so-called husband. "They're too far away to divert from our current path."

Zarkon narrowed his brow as he analysed the witch before he released her from his claws and stepped over her like an insignificant insect.

"Then we'll just have to lure them here." He glanced over his shoulder at her before he strolled away leaving Haggar alone as his servant swiftly followed after him. The Witch glanced at the mirror that stood against the wall, the dark blue skin disfigured by the permanent red lines that ran down her face, paled in comparison to her bold yet insecure hues of shining gold. She pushed the stray white strand of straw-like hair behind her ear and she narrowed her eyes ferociously as the start of a dark bruise already begun to appear around her neck.


Zakron took his place at the Commander's station on the brig, his fingers expertly bringing up the interface, flexing his digits at the familiar feeling it brought.

"Set a course to Vintec Prison and send word to my son's pathetic General's that I need to speak with them," Zarkon ordered and let a vindictive smile grace his lips as he watched his people scurry to do what their Emperor asked. He turned around after he was satisfied everything was in order and walked towards the door where two Galra soldiers stood on guard. "I will be in my study, do not disturb me."

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