Frozen Storms

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Hey Guys!!! I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas!! Sorry for the rather large delay, but here's another chapter!


"Holy Nebular, it's freezing!" Hunk shivered violently, clutching himself tightly as his teeth chattered excessively against the howling winds of the snowing planet they had landed on.

"That's a no on internal heating," Keith smirked humorously at the Yellow Paladin as he answered Lotor's previous question. The Red Paladin surveyed the vast horizon, what little he could actually see. The planet was virtually a raging snowstorm continuously changing in shape and power. When they had approached they could barely make out an outline of the planets shape, the blurs of the icy daggers were quick to bury beneath the relentless winds as the storm swiftly morphed the planet into a larger mass of strong gales. Keith glanced behind to see the Red and Green lions standing solidly against the harsh winds not daring to budge as the half Galra stared their way. "Alright, let's go, Pidge?"

"That way," Pidge spoke out after checking the gadget in her hand, pointing to the centre of the storm. The whipping of the winds and the cold snapping sounds it made sent a shiver down their spines before Keith stepped forward with Lotor mere inches behind.

They barely made it half a mile when the storm got worse, the intensity causing them to lose balance more than once. Pidge plastered herself to Hunk's side attempting to hide from the storm using her friend's large form. Keith found himself doing the same with Lotor, the Galra was at least a foot or two taller than himself and seemed unaffected. A burst of strong wind had Pidge flying off her feet with a yelp, Keith flung his arm towards her and caught her wrist. The two battled to stay together as the wind increased its power, Hunk fighting the gale to reach them. Lotor came to their aid, grasping the girl's waist and setting her down, his body acting as a shield while his white locks whipped against his face. Keith gasped as another surge of wind smashed into him and he flew from the ground colliding right into the Yellow Paladin who yelped from the sudden force and Pidge's yell of their names fell short against the gales as they flew from sight leaving the Prince clenching his teeth staring down at the despaired Green Paladin.


"Hunk?" Keith shook the unconscious boy's shoulder, flinching away as the dark-skinned Paladin groaned as he woke. "Are you alright?"

"Are we still on this freezing planet?" Hunk glanced from left to right before pouting up at Keith.

"Yup." Keith smiled as Hunk huffed, shifting the snow from his legs as he stood.

"Just peachy."

"Your locator still in one piece?" Keith asked hopefully, deflating a little as Hunk's brow rose in sudden realisation. Hunk frantically patting himself down before searching the area around him, flinging the freshly laid snow in all directions. Keith's face fell when Hunk pulled something from the snow turning to face him, his hands open to show the locator Pidge gave him, broken.

"I'm gonna say no." Hunk clenched his teeth.

"Aw Hunk." Keith sighed heavily, wringing his hands before biting his lip in thought. "Alright, we can figure this out. Can you fix it?"

"I can try," Hunk shrugged, giving the device a brief glance over. "Doesn't look too busted."

"Okay, I'll go check what's ahead." Keith walked away glancing over his shoulder to see Hunk sit beneath the top level of soft snow and begin to tinker.


"Are you alright?" Lotor asked the small girl as they reached the edge of the storm, letting Pidge find her own feet.

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