Nara's Essence

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Allura was swift to violently shift the Castle just as the large mass flew past, clipping the side of the ship, causing everyone to flail as the Castle shook aggressively. Coran was quick to rush to his station analysing the damage before the advisor spun back to the Princess, while the others attempted to regain their balance.

"It clipped one of the thrusters, It'll take me some time to fix."

"Then we should land and prepare reparations." Allura noded to her advisor in understanding before addressing the Paladins. "Head to your Lion's, we will need to defeat the target before I can land."

"No!" Lotor put his hand out, stopping Lance as he attempted to pass while the others halted in their movements. "That is my sister, let me out and I will speak with her."

Allura hesitated for a moment before she swiftly agreed with him, following Keith with her eyes as he ran after the Galra Prince. The Altean Princess waited for Lotor and Keith to exit the Castle before she adjusted the ships movements, allowing herself and the others to stare out in fear as the Robeast whirled around and began to charge once again.

"Nara, that is enough!" Lotor yelled out as he walked the lush field, furrowing his brow at the angered Robeast. "I've brought help! So stop this inferior behaviour!"

The Robeast slowed to halt in front of the Prince and tilted its head down towards him and let out a grunt that seemed to portray annoyance.

"I've brought Rarg and the Paladin's of Voltron," Lotor explained as Keith caught up and gave the man a belittled glance. It was as if the Prince was answering a question, one that the machine had apparently asked. "I have brought Keith, sister."

The Robeast groaned out and Keith's eyes widened at the noise, a flashback to the outpost and the same groan it had admitted then. It was his name. The Red Paladin snapped his eyes to the Robeast as he heard the creak of metal, finding himself under the intense stare of the machine. Lotor nodded promptly before motioning to the Castle.

"Come, sister, let us return you to your body."

Keith didn't budge as Lotor turned away, completely baffled as the Robeast disregarded him and followed obediently behind the Galra Prince. As they approached the ship the others were emerging, Allura and Rarg appeared behind the Paladin's both eyeing the Robeast in amazement.

"Nara," Rarg bowed weakly, his body resisting the movement. "I am pleased to see you are unharmed."

The Robeast stayed silent, it's intimidating violet eyes staring at the Altean Princess. Allura was aghast, even though she had known her childhood friend was alive and had been unwillingly killed and her very being transferred into a Robeast, Allura hadn't thought twice. But seeing the machine now and knowing Nara was inside had Allura staring in horror and guilt. She couldn't begin to understand what her friend had gone through, living with a shell of a man who was once a father. Becoming a member of the Marmora and having to keep it hidden from everyone she knew. To having a child and sending it away with the possibility that they would never meet again. Allura turned her attention to Lotor as he began to speak, the words floated in the air but never made it to the Altean's ears as a small pang of guilt made its way to her heart. Perhaps she had been a bit rushed in her opinion of the Prince, yes the man was the son of the Emperor of the enemy, but it was becoming clear that Lotor did not agree with Zarkon's tactics. She felt someone come to her side and peered to find Coran brushing his moustache in affection.

"Coran, how can I help?" Allura popped a brow in interest.

"I am wondering perhaps if it was wise to come here," Coran commented quietly. "I know the others seem to trust Lotor and Rarg is indeed an Altean, but they have been with Zarkon for a long time."

"Then let us hope we have not just made a huge mistake," Allura clenched her hands into fists, smiling at her advisor who nodded in return.

"Let us begin shall we?" Rarg clasped his hands together as he addressed Lotor. "We need to give her instructions before I start."

Lotor pursed his lips in thought before gaining his sisters' attention.

"Nara, when you regain consciousness you need to find an interface and send us your coordinates. Do you understand?"

The Robeast groaned and the Prince nodded to Rarg for him to continue, placing a hand on the metal before moving away. The Druid stood before the towering Robeast arms outstretched, straining from the motion. His fingers flexed in anticipation before he surged his magic forward and pushed it towards the silent machine. Rarg could feel Nara's presence inside, forcing it towards the surface, ignoring the gasps of awe as a mist emerged from the Robeast. The lilac haze formed together into a more structured shape and floated above the machine, small flicks of mist licked the air like the flames of a fire. It took several seconds before the vapour spasmed and flew down to the Druid, circling him once before flying away at lightning speed. The others were watching in marvel at the streak of lilac mist it left behind before snapping their heads to the Robeast that began to creak. The machine began to sway, its eyes dull and lifeless as it fell back towards the illusory grass. As the Robeast's metal back connected with the ground it sent a small shudder through the Earth causing the Paladin's and their companions to balance themselves against the violent rumble.

"Did it work?" Lance asked as he held Pidge's arm to help her as she almost fell.

"Yes," Rarg turned to the Paladin with a victorious smile, "Nara essence is on her way back to her body as we speak. We should hear from her soon."

"Then let us hurry with the repairs," Allura announced addressing her advisor. "Coran."

"Hunk, Pidge, I could use your assistance." The Altean motioned for the two to join him before heading off to assess and fix the damage the Robeast had dealt.

"We need to leave now if we hope to make it to Nara in time." Lotor curled his finger over his chin in frustration, his words spoken to Rarg but overheard by the rebel Holt sibling and the Red Paladin. The duo shared a glance of common thought before Keith strolled over with Matt close behind.

"We can take Red," Keith offered to which Lotor smiled gratefully at him.

"I do not think Allura will allow it." The Prince mentioned, smirking a little at the unconvinced look on the Red Paladin's face.

"Too bad." Keith spun around and walked towards the Castle before glancing over his shoulder. "You coming?"


To find the red and white armour back in its home had Keith letting out a sigh of familiarity that swept over him. When he fitted it on and found that the armour sat snug against his body Keith let a smile grace his features.

"It suits you." Keith turned to the Galra Prince who was looking over at him in approval. "Much better than that horrid thing you had before."

For once Keith agreed, he snorted at Lotor before leading the man towards the Red Lion bay and found Matt and Rarg already inside. Matt snapped his head towards them and scratched his neck as he approached.

"I'm coming with you!" Matt announced rather loudly before coughing a little in embarrassment. "Rarg is going to stay, he can track us and let the Princess know where we are."

"Very well," Lotor nodded before heading over to the Druid to bid him farewell. The three left Rarg and entered the Lion, Keith quick to bring the cat to life.

When the growl emitted loudly through the Castle and outside where the others were busying themselves, the remaining companions turned their heads as the Red Lion shot from the ship and flew away back to the entrance.

"They left without us," Hunk wiped an arm over his forehead as he pouted, "Rude."

Pidge snorted and handed the Yellow Paladin the tool he had asked for, watching the glimpse of the Red Lion until it disappeared from her sight.

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