Hiding the Galra Prince

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Lotor was bored, being ordered to remain in Keith's empty sleeping quarters with absolutely nothing to do was beginning to irk him. The Red Paladin had been very clear that if anyone saw him he'd be dead within moments and the Prince knew that if he did indeed leave the room it wouldn't be the other fleshlings to kill him but Keith himself out of frustration. Lotor wasn't sure what Keith's plan was, Princess Allura would never allow him to stay aboard the Castle and the couple of Marmora members that were accompanying them would slice him were he stood. Lotor sighed heavily before slumping onto the paladin's bed head hitting the pillow with a light thud. Perhaps he was making a mistake, it was true he hadn't thought this the whole way through. The rumble to his stomach distracted him from his sudden doubt and he reluctantly covered it attempting to silence the pitiful noise. He was hungry, he hadn't eaten for a few days and the smell that wafted through the Castle had Lotor licking his lips.

The door slid open and Keith entered holding two plates that acted as saucers for the small bowl that sat upon it. Lotor rose a surprised brow when the Paladin offered one to him and took the plate with silent thanks.

"I thought you might be hungry."

Lotor glanced into the bowl expecting a peasant dish and found himself momentarily lost for words. He couldn't remember the last time he had such beautiful food laid out in front of him, Prince, he may be but being banished and stationed in the universe usually called for quick meals. Lotor was quick to lift the spoon and pile the broth liquid upon it before stuffing it into his mouth. He groaned a little in satisfaction the flavours sparking his taste buds.

"Did you make this?" Lotor gently wiped his bottom lip, peering at the amused red Paladin.

"No, I didn't." Keith brought a spoonful to his mouth. "Hunk did."

"He has talent," Lotor motioned to the bowl. "He could out cook our royal chefs."

"I'll be sure to tell him you enjoyed it," Keith smirked a little, it was strange acting so civil with an enemy especially with the Prince of the race that dominated the universe for ten thousand years. Keith watched the Prince slurp impatiently at the bowl, furrowing his brow in puzzlement, how long had it been since the Galra had last eaten? He was devouring it, not to savour it but in desperation.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Oh, I don't know." Lotor flicked his wrist absentmindedly. "Couple days maybe."

Keith rose a brow in surprise before quickly snapping back to his meal. No, he would not feel sympathy for his enemy, especially someone as deceptive as Prince Lotor. The Red Paladin didn't look to the Galra again, sipping at the flavoursome rich liquid.

"You know you haven't actually thanked me."

"Thanked you?" Keith questioned the prince with skepticism.

"Your knife." Lotor pointed out, "I had to sneak into fathers private chambers."

"You did that for me?"

Lotor tilted his head a little to the side in confusion as Keith snapped his head towards him and stared breathlessly at him. It was as if the boy wasn't used to such treatment, as if he had done everything himself, for himself. Lotor faltered for a moment, of course, this kind of information was vital in his planning but the thought of using this vulnerability made the Prince hesitate. Lotor gazed into the similar yellow orbs and gulped, no, he would not feel compassion for his enemy, especially the one threat to his reign.

"Well I could not come empty-handed," Lotor turned away as something unusual began to swell in the pit of his stomach.

"I, er... thank you." Keith caught his bottom lip between his teeth tensely as Lotor made eye contact. This was wrong, the Red Paladin should not be thanking him, not at all, but, the blade was all he had of his parents. Keith had thought he had lost it forever and then Lotor suddenly appears in his room offering it back to him and the Red Paladin was stunned. The Prince had stolen it from Zarkon himself, in the back of Keith's mind was the voice of cautious that was being easily ignored as Lotor grasped his empty hand. Keith gazed at their intertwining fingers and couldn't help but notice how similar they were. The pair jumped a little in fright at the loud knock upon the Red Paladin's door and the voice that echoed through had Keith flinching away at Lotor's warm touch and rushed to the door.

"I'm coming, Shiro! You don't have to come in."

"Keith, I just want to talk,"

The door began to slide open just as Keith made it, shunting his body in the gap holding the door where it was, smiling weakly at the Black Paladin.

"What's up?"

"Can I come in?" Shiro rose a brow in confusion, never having been denied access before.

"I was actually about to head to the deck." Keith didn't dare glance over his shoulder. "Tell me on the way?"

"Sure." Shiro smiled warmly, moving away and ignored the inkling that buzzed in the back of his mind.

Left alone Lotor blew out a jaded breath, running a lazy hand through his hair. Leaning back his fingers felt something cool and eyed the edge of the blade from under the boy's pillow. The small flush that coated the boy's cheek after finding out Lotor risked so much for him had the Galra Prince smiling lightly. A few minuted passed before Lotor clenched his fists in frustration.

"This is awfully tedious."

Lotor glanced to the door, an adventurous thought entered his mind, quickly shaking his head of the thought turning his body fully away from the door. Biting his lip Lotor took another look and attempted to fight the curiosity that made its permanent home on the forefront of his mind.

"One look won't hurt." Lotor rose from the bunk and exited the Red Paladin's door, glancing left and right before casually walking down the hall.


"I'm fine Shiro," Keith grasped the man's arms, smirking at the unconvinced stare. "Honestly, I am."

"If you're sure?"

"I am." Keith nodded once giving Shiro a reassuring squeeze before letting go and motioned to the training room door.

"Okay, I'll leave you to it."

Keith waved the hesitant man off and let out a sudden sigh of relief before entering the room where he spent most of his time, his thoughts that always seemed to fall into place as he strengthened himself.

It took longer than Keith had anticipated but when the alarm sounded across the castle Keith knew he was in trouble. The Red Paladin fled the room in an instance, wiping a hand against his sweaty forehead as he ran.

Intruder in the west corridor

Keith skidded around the corner as Shiro's voice echoed, knitting his brow in annoyance, of course, Lotor would be on the other side of the ship. With his breathing becoming a little heavier as he sprinted, the Red Paladin heard the angered accusations from the Marmoran's and the flippant voice of the Galra Prince, eyes widening at the words that escaped Kolivan's mouth.

"Dispose of him Antok, get it over with."

"Wait!" Keith shouted his voice a little raspy, rounding the corner and rushed to the scene. Lotor was leaning heavily against the wall, arm wrapped protectively around his chest with his head bowed. Antok was pressed close, his Marmora sword drawn. Kolivan stood to the side arms folded, eyes piercing with threat. Shiro was by the Galra's side his expression one of reason, clearly attempting to persuade a different alternative. Keith was swift to push the two Marmoran's to the side as soon as he approached and fell to Lotor's side as the Prince slumped to his knees.

"What you doing Keith?" Shiro addressed the breathless Red Paladin, releasing his helping hand from Kolivan's arm.

"You can't kill him," Keith spoke through ragged breath, kneeling in front of the Galra, locking pleading eyes with his friend. "Just let me explain."

"You can't be serious?!" Antok growled stalking forwards faltering in his step as Keith bared his sharp canines viciously at him. Shiro noticed the determination and protectiveness in Keith's eye and knew that the boy wouldn't defend the enemy without good reason.

"What's going on Keith?" Shiro demanded as the others soon joined them with rushed footsteps.

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