Another Use

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"How do you know that name?!"

Keith struggled against Lotor's hold, eyes widening in fear as his vision began to blur. He couldn't breathe and the Prince wasn't loosening his death grip. The red paladin wheezed out Lotor's name, pleading for him to stop, scratching anywhere he could get to, his Galra claws drawing the prince's blood.

"Prince Lotor! What are you doing?!"

The Prince was dragged off the injured paladin unwillingly and swiftly changed his attention on the intruder pushing the man against the wall, threatening to crush the man's windpipe.

"Prince Lotor, please."

The prince suddenly snapped from his hot anger and released his target seeing clearly that a druid had stopped him from killing the man who had previously saved his life. Lotor turned to the paladin who was grasping his own neck, gulping in hulks of air his face stricken with terror.

"Don't you even say that name again, next time you won't be so lucky." The prince's scowl turned venomous and Keith knew that Lotor's threat was serious. The prince turned to the druid and poked him harshly in the chest. "Do not ever touch me again Rarg."

Keith's eyes widened when his mind clicked at the familiar name and watched as the druid bowed low to the prince waiting for the Galra to leave before raising himself, flicking his cloak slightly and headed towards the paladin.

"Stay away," Keith warned eyes narrowing in resentment. The druid stopped in his tracks which surprised Keith and the red paladin dared himself to relax slightly.

"I am here to check your injuries." The druid explained, "If you permit me, I'd like to do my job."

Keith didn't know why he nodded, maybe the fact that his dream had shown Rarg helping his mother and perhaps he could possibly even trust the masked man. He let the druid redress his wounds and Keith decided to ignore Lotor's threatening advice and ask Rarg about his probable mother.

"Where is Nara?"

Keith knew he hit a nerve when the druid froze for a second, the tension that spiked in him had Keith raising a brow in triumph. The druid turned away replacing his tool before answering calmly.

"If you are referring to Princess Nara then I'm not at liberty to discuss such a touchy subject with an enemy."

"Why is she such a touchy subject?" Keith hissed lightly as the druid purposely padded a little too hard on his side wound.


"What history?"

"Why are you so interested in her highness?" Rarg asked, his brow narrowed under his mask, he hadn't heard that name for some time and was suspicious as to how this man knew of her existence.

"She's a person of interest that's all." Keith lied.

"Well, I'm afraid I cannot help you." The druid finished up, leaving the paladin alone but not before giving some advice. "I suggest keeping that name to yourself, Galra don't take kindly to others speaking of individuals we no longer associate with us."


"My Emperor, might I suggest another use of the paladin?" Haggar offered carefully watching her Emperor stand rigid after another unsuccessful link to the black lion.

"What would that be Haggar?" Zarkon spoke impatiently.

"Perhaps we could locate the black lion through the red lion," Haggar suggested. "Since they are all kept in the same area, locating the red lion will give away Allura's position."

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