That's what you want, isn't it? Peace?

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Keith didn't like this. There was something Nara and Lotor were not telling them. Something that caused a prickle of apprehension to run up the red paladin's spine. He stayed beside Allura as she discussed the hologram with Lotor and Nara, both seemingly unaware of the hard stare Keith was giving them. Keith watched every crease of Lotor's brow, every twitch to Nara's lips as Allura would push slightly. As Lotor once again informed the Altean princess of his winding journey to keep the Alteans' safe, Keith's face involuntarily flinched in agitation at the practised words.

"Are you alright, Keith?" Lotor asked him with a smug smile that had Keith envisioning himself hurdling over the table and tackling Lotor to the ground. Instead, the red paladin scowled and voiced his concern, hoping to attain a reaction other than Lotor's maddening shrewd arrogance.

"When you return to the Galra fleet after seeing the Alteans', you always stop at one particular spot quite close to the planet you say the Alteans' are on," Keith replied and leaned across Allura to point it out. Hunk had been the one to actually notice that particular anomaly to the otherwise mess to Lotor's trips when they had analysed the maps together. The smile was wiped from Lotor's lips and Keith furrowed his brow when he noticed his mother tense. He moved back and looked at them in confusion. "What's there?"

"Nothing," Nara answered for her brother and stood, swiping the hologram up a tucking it into her pocket. "We're not here to discuss what my brother does after his visits."

Keith had hit a nerve and wasn't sure whether he was glad he was finally getting somewhere or terrified by the swift action his mother took to ensure he didn't take it any further. Nara placed her palm on the table and address her childhood friend.

"This meeting is over. We will not answer any more questions regarding Lotor's integrity." She said with a dangerous tone. Allura stood and Keith was unable to stop himself from speaking.

"This isn't over." He swiped his hand through the air. "You're keeping something from us."

"It's none of your business." Nara turned to Keith and gave him a stern gaze. "I won't have you speaking to me that way. I am your mother."

"Right now, you're the Empress of the Galra, and I'm a Paladin of Voltron." Keith countered and folded his arms. "So, I suggest you answer the question."

The room seemed to chill and Keith heard shuffling behind him, no doubt Hunk and Lance gripping at each other waiting for the eruption. Nara flared in anger at her son's defiance and Lotor came to stand beside her. He placed his hand to her shoulder in order to placate her rage only for Nara to hostilely shrug it off and give her brother an intense glare.

"I'm going to say this once, and only once." Nara turned back to Keith. "Ask me about Lotor's whereabouts after his visitations again, and you will no longer be welcome among my people."

Keith's resolute form shattered immediately, watching it shock as Nara stormed away. Lotor cleared his throat and the red paladin snapped his head towards him.

"That went well." Lotor leaned against the table and folded his arms as he addressed Keith. The red paladin let out a snarl of frustration and ignored him to run after his mother.

"Hey, where's he going?" Lance jogged to the open door to see Keith rounding a corner. The blue paladin looked over his shoulder at Lotor who answered.

"To confront his mother, obviously."


"Hey!" Keith called out aggressively when he found his mother at the other end of the corridor he turned down. Nara froze in her step and swung round to face him.

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