Empress & the General

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*And we're back on track!!!*

The paladins, Allura and Coran listened intently as Lotor and Nara explained what the Kral Zera involved, and who would be attending. Rarg knew Haggar would be present and mentioned it to the two siblings, who gazed at one another for a moment before continuing their explanations. Lotor stressed more than once that Voltron was desperately needed to win their claim. Allura was hesitant at first. Her father's creation wasn't something she wanted to use for a political advantage; it was his legacy. But after Coran spoke to her with Nara beside him, she decided to give the woman the support she should have given her so many years ago. As they flew to Feyiv, the paladins were slowly getting ready to enter their lions.

"Are you sure about this?" Keith asked his mother as she offered him his helmet. The Galra tilted her head and cradled her son's jaw.

"If it means saving my people and being able to spend more time with my son, then yes." Nara nodded with resolve. Keith smiled at his mother before he took a step back. He placed his helmet over his head before gazing up at the red lion. The metal beast's eyes lit up and moved to allow Keith to enter. The teen glanced over his shoulder.

"I love you, mum."

Nara placed a hand over her heart as Keith jogged into his lion, watching with a huge sense of pride as the red lion flew from its home.


They made it to Feyiv just as the fighting begun. They all stopped as Voltron appeared, dissipating into its five respected lions. They settled down in front of the pit burning with purple flames. The black lion bowed his head, opening its jaw, allowing Lotor and Nara to appear before everyone. The prince helped his sister from the lion's mouth and they gazed up at the large Galra watching them in shock.

"Nara?" Sendak gasped dropping his mechanical arm almost instantly. The princess nodded to her people as she rounded the pit, smiling as they gaped at her in disbelief. The paladins soon appeared from their lions and crowded around Lotor who was smiling in self-righteousness. Keith furrowed his brow before he turned his concentration on his mother who was gracefully ascending the stairs towards Sendak.

Nara smiled at the large Galra and placed her hand against the man's jaw.

"Hi, did you miss me?" She asked as Sendak fell to one knee and gazed up mercifully at her.

"I thought you dead." He whispered in despair, his hand coming to cup the one Nara had placed on his jaw. "Yet, here you are."

"Will you fight me for the throne?" Nara asked in concern as the man seemed determined to brand it his own. Sendak took in the woman's appearance. Her familiar long white hair that had always tangled in his prosthetic. Her gold irises that used to sparkle when she saw him approaching. He noticed her malnourished skin, the small cuts, and bruises that were still healing from all those years of torture. Sendak took in everything about the woman he used to love before glancing to the woman that gave him a second chance. Haggar had given him an opportunity to bring the Galra empire to its highest glory. She had given him power beyond what Zarkon could have ever bestowed him. But...Sendak looked back to Nara and shook his head once.

"The Galra empire would be empty without you." Sendak rose and Nara smiled at the man before turning to the Galra general's and their people. As Nara spoke confidently and clearly, Keith was staring at Sendak. Sendak- Zarkon's first in command- the Galra that had taken over the castle-Allura's home, and almost killed Lance- was now suddenly on their side. He glanced to see his friends with the same expression. Lotor, however, the only one who was less than surprised.

"You knew Sendak still had feelings for her." Keith blinked in disbelief at his uncle who smirked.

"Of course, they have been betrothed since they were children," Lotor explained with a wave of his hand. "I'm guessing your little visions missed out that vital plot."

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