I Am Prince Lotor

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"Katie's okay?' Matt's voice was filled with relief his eyes almost smiling at the red paladin who had slumped down against the cell wall too weak to carry his own weight.

"Yeah, she's a Paladin of Voltron now."

"No way." Matt finally let a genuine smile crack the depression that shadowed him for so long. "Oh Katie, dad would be so proud."

Keith didn't get to say another word when several Galra soldiers stopped by his cell, yanking the door open and eyeing the paladin in repulsion.

"You're up, Paladin." The nearest Galra grunted before letting his two companions lift Keith from the ground.

"Hey, where are you taking him?" Matt's question fell on deaf ears and watched helplessly as Keith was hauled from the room, grimacing in pain.

The Galra soldiers threw Keith to the floor demanding him to get up only to be ignorantly ignored by the paladin. Keith was kicked violently in the gut before he was forced onto his wobbly feet, the excited chatter from afar had red paladin gazing out the barred gate. Beyond the large gate was the arena Shiro had been forced to battle in, imagining the horrors his friend had to face caused Keith to clench his teeth. A booming voice echoed across the stadium causing the paladin to freeze as the voice announced to the crowd of tonight's entertainment.

"Ladies and gentlefolk do we have a show for you tonight!" The voice vibrated through the paladin's body and he grasped his arm to steady himself. "Facing not one, not two, but three opponents is none other than the Red Paladin of Voltron."

The gate rose and Keith refused to move only to be thrown forward as his capturers pushed him roughly. Glancing behind with venom to see the guards threatening him to move Keith reluctantly obliged, the thought of the boy back in the cell pushing him forward. He was going to get out of here and he was determined to unite Pidge with Matt. Standing tall Keith walked forward, hearing the jeers and taunts that followed the announcer's words had the paladin even more unwavered to fight. Keith had to shade his eyes from the sudden bright light as he emerged from the depths below and found himself in the middle of the arena surrounded by thousands of sneering Galra. The red Paladin glanced up to the left to see Zarkon sitting contentedly, smiling mercilessly at him. There was a Galra man beside him who was eyeing Keith with interest, his long white hair obstructed his facial features as the Galra leant over to speak with the Emperor. Not being about to decipher what was being discussed Keith focused his attention to his right and found a weapon rack. Lined with a variety of swords, daggers and a few axes Keith's eyes drew him to the familiar red handled bayard hanging conveniently in the middle. Keith's eyes widened in suspicion quickly taking a glance to the Emperor to see him watching intently. It was clear the Galra knew that a Bayard was an essential part of being a paladin and perhaps thought giving the red paladin his weapon back would provide some better entertainment.

Keith gripped his Bayard tightly sighing a little in comfort as his blade formed, taking reassurance in the familiarity it carried. The red paladin was given no warning and just barely managed to throw himself to side as a large bull-like figure barrelled into him. Keith groaned as he hit the floor, the wounds from his interrogation flaring up. He didn't have much time to even consider the pain as a slick dagger flew towards him, flashing his arm up his shield materialised and the knife bounced off the shield clattering to the floor. Keith quickly stumbled to his feet dodging yet another barrel from the huge figure before finding himself pinned down by a vicious snarling woman, daggers in hand. Keith quickly slammed his shield into her side causing her to fly off him skidding a few feet away. His muscles were screaming with pain as the paladin picked himself up wobbling on his feet, his body begging for him to stop. The warning was disregarded immediately as Keith was forced to leap back, eyes widening in horror at the scorch mark sizzling in the spot he had been moments ago. The caster had fear rush through Keith, a druid, standing hunched upon a large pillar already in the progress of another bolt. The cheers that rang through the arena was background noise as Keith continued to dodge the purple lightning shot his way, avoiding the sharp horns of the bull man and the poisoned daggers of the swift assassin. That was until his body suddenly seized, trapped in what felt like quicksand crying out as the bull-like man clipped his side throwing the paladin aside like a rag doll. Keith grunted as he hit a pillar, screaming out in agony as purple lightning hit him. He was shaking heavily, feeling the energy from the bolt coursing through his veins and screamed in horror at the burning sensation it spread through him.

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