Keep Them Close

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When Coran had concluded his memories of the past, all types of thoughts spun around in everyone's minds, from awe of learning of the Paladins of old to horror and some painful reminders of the past being dredged up. Lotor could recall Coran's recount, he was but a child but he clearly remembered his mother's hysterical state, bedridden until his father betrayed his friend's trust in order to save her.

After the group split ways Lotor stayed behind wanting to speak with Princess Allura. He had yet to speak with her, it seemed the woman was avoiding him, not that he blamed her of course. The Galra took a step forward and the Altean's voice chilled the air around them.

"I have nothing to say to you Lotor."

"I just wished to thank my gracious host." Lotor bowed, the sarcasm heard clearly despite the Prince attempting to disguise it.

"I do not need or want your thanks." Allura refused to acknowledge the Galra's presence, keeping her eyes firmly on the map before her.

"Very well, then may I ask, why have you allowed me sanctuary?"

"Do not think it was a moment of weakness." Allura furrowed her brow at what she was sure Lotor was insinuating. "It helps having your enemy close, does it not?"

"True, however, I doubt that is the reason with this case." Lotor pointed now, he was seeping smugness and the Princess tapped the screen lightly before turning venomous.

"Do not test me Lotor. You have no idea what I'm capable of."

"I did not mean to offend Princess." Lotor waved his hands in front of him in surrender. "I am merely curious that you allow an enemy to walk freely among your ship."

"Freely?" Allura let out a chilling chuckle which caused Lotor to falter for a moment. "You think you've been walking around my home without eyes on you? You must take me for a wazzock."

"Then why-"

"Why do I allow you sanction? Keith knew what it meant when he decided to keep your presence from us. I put my trust in him."

"It seems, maybe, a little too much."

"Then you do not know Keith like I do." Allura finally allowed a smirk to grace her features. "It seems that's perhaps he's been the one manipulating you all along."

"You dare speak to me like that." Lotor snapped, he despised it when someone undermined him, let alone point out something that he himself refused to believe. Lotor had taken a step towards her in anger, hands swiftly turning to fists.


The two royalties turned to see the Red Paladin standing at the bridge door, arms folded eyes narrowed viciously. Lotor hated himself for stopping in his tracks like a pet but knew he'd have to keep his composure, there was no way he'd let Keith know he was crawling all over his skin.

"Princess." Lotor bowed low towards the Altean, "I'll take my leave."

Lotor stormed past Keith not acknowledging him and didn't bother to wait for the condescending Red Paladin.


Lotor didn't see the Green Paladin round the corner and collided into her, grasping her arm to steady her as she wobbled on her feet. He watched the slight fear flitter across the girl's face before her face bloomed into a smile which had Lotor faltering. When was the last time someone had looked at his face and their reaction was one of happiness? A flash of Nara's dazzling grin caused Lotor's heart to warm slightly and he snapped his hand away from the small girl, these feelings were not helpful.

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