Chapter 3; On my way.

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              Chapter 3; On my way.


Aaaaand here is three! you guys happy? nice, that's good. I found out something distressing. We are not allowed to curse anymore in comments! So I will make use of my A.N's and just do it here every now and then if I feel like a Fucktard who needs to. I like that word, it's so weird. Ow and finally guys HE appears in this chapter!  not very long though but hey it's a start. 

Finally after a few hours of driving your parents dropped you off at the airport and walked you all the way to the hanger. They helped you with your heavy suitcases until you had given them to the persons in charge of them and had to go on alone seeing your parents had no tickets. Your mother had hugged you tightly and so did your father before pulling something from behind his back. It was a box with a ribbon around it and you were sure that you didn't take that with you from home. Then you remembered that your mom had had that box in the car too.

"Here honey, this is for you. From your dad and me to think of us every now and then for as long as your gone."

Your mother smiled sweetly and your dad put his arm around her shoulders and smiled too.

"Is this for me?" You asked surprised.

"Come on kid! Open it up! What are you waiting for." Your dad encouraged you.

You took the box from your mom after putting the bag down you had carried on your shoulder.

"Thanks." You said a bit unsure.

'What is in it?' They actually surprised you a bit with a present out of the blue.

Carefully you had pulled on the ribbon on top of the box. Your mother took the ribbon out of your hands so you had them free again. Carefully taking off the lit you peeked inside.

"Wauw! Mom! Dad! Did you guys buy this for me?" You asked half shouting without realizing when you had pulled out a thick warm blanked made from all kind of colors and with all kind of prints on it.

"We made it for you honey! It took a while but we really wanted to give this to you." your mother smiled again while your dad pulled her in closer.

"Wait! Dad helped too?" You asked surprised and half giggling already imagining your dad sewing.

"Yes I did. And still regret it for my hands, not the result of course."

You and your mother laughed and then the intercom had rang and called out to all the passengers of your plane. Fast you hugged your parents one more time and said your good bye and left struggling with now only your bag with you.

Slipping yourself between the thick crowd of people going into the plane you slowly came closer and closer to the plane itself. suddenly you bumped into someone and fell to your butt.

"Auw." You whined rubbing your lower back and grabbing your bag with your other hand as people walked past you annoyed.

'Like I want to be on the ground!' You thought as an angry woman kicked your bag on purpose while walking by.

Out of nowhere a guy appeared in front of you with a hand reached out.

"You okay? Really sorry about that, it is a little tight here." He smiled kindly at you.

The guy had brown a little above shoulder length hair and wore glasses. He looked nice and absolutely not like he had done it on purpose. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you and your bag up.

"Thanks, I'm okay." You said looking down and wiping of the floor dust.

He handed you back your bag, apologized once more and then made his own way in the stream again before you had noticed.

Now you were in the plane already on your way and still giggling to yourself a bit about dad's face when he had said he regretted it for his fingers. Your bag with the blanked stuffed in it was above your head on a plank.

You looked out the small plain window to the white clouds and some birds flying. The flight would take a few hours (comment shit down ↓) and you actually felt a bit tired. The time difference didn't really help either so you pulled out the blanked from your bag.

Finally settled underneath it on both chairs seeing there was no one next to you, you looked around at the people in the plane. Four big man in army clothes were next to your seats two on two. one of them looked at you and smiled fatherly like at you. his hair was short and a bit grey, very clearly though he was muscled underneath his army sleeves. Politely you smiled back at him and looked at the people in front of you trough the gap of the chairs. A couple was in front of you all cuddled up together and giggling and talking sweetly to each other. With a little disgusted face you pulled back and settled in the corner of the chair. Slowly you fell asleep under your new warm blanked, forgetting everything and just relaxing completely.


I know, that was an abrupt stop. just couldn't make up an better way! comment please and about that (comment shit down↓) I just wanted to say that seeing it is about the place you live and the place you are going to and that that is different per person I just left that and well if you wanna know in my head it's from America to Amsterdam. 

(edit 28-06-2018 I love how people actually literally commented "shit" haha I'm editing once again to try to make the spelling better if needed but I'm leaving that part in.)

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