Chapter 26; Breakfast or bribery.

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      Chapter 26; Breakfast or bribery.


Hi! ^^. Sooo, what to say. I kinda feel like I start to write a little too mutch like AAA. Am I? I write them at the same time and though I'm not so good at the older English writing I kinda get stuck in it. You notice? Please tell me ^^. Lov ya'll gal's *Rin*

This part of this lab was way more beautiful then where you walked when you came in. Again you felt like there must be a reason why they suddenly are so nice and they treat you so good. The butler had stopped but you were to occupied with looking around and you walked up against his back.

"Sorry." You said fast awkwardly.

He ignored it and opened the door he had stopped before. Looking in you saw a huge dining room with a table longer then you have ever seen. How did all this fit in this small building?! At least it looked too small for all this from the outside. On the table stood all kinds of food. Fruit, bread, cheese, chocolate and way more you couldn't even have dreamt of having soon. Patsy already sat at the table together with Mika.

Patsy wore a dress like shirt with a very bizzy floral pattern and white wide pants with flip flops. Her red hair just as messy as always, just clean now, stook out to all sides and she looked at you happily threw her huge glasses. Mika had her half long blue hair loose and it swayed everywhere as she stood up and walked towards you. The little star tattoo on her cheek suited the content smile on her face. It was clear she knew more of this. She wore a dark blue dress reaching to her knees and sandals. Ryan was still nowhere to be found.

"Hey. Looking good girl. Want something to eat?" She said happily as she took over your bag and launched it on a couch in a corner.

"Yeah. Sure, I could eat tons." You said getting more hungrier just from the smell of the food.

"I can imagine. Go ahead, dig in." She said showing you to a chair across the table from Patsy and herself.

You started eating and all the tastes of the familiar food brought you to heaven but you still missed one thing. Ryan with you. And ofcorse answers to why all this. Though you really didn't mind compared with how they treated you at first. Not able to keep it in you were at the edge of asking where he was when the doors opened. Your mouth almost dropped open matching your impolite almost fan girl like stare. Ryan walked in wearing a white shirt with a V-neckline and also short sleeves. The shirt was tight and showed off his biceps and six pack. His brown hair messy and still a little damp falling in perfect shape. Dark yeans underneath and black sneakers finished it. However simple it sounded he looked hot. He caught your eyes and you looked away a little embarrassed he saw you stare like that.

He walked over to you and pulled you face up by the chin with his hand. He kissed you on your forehead and smiled warmly.

"You look beautiful." He said with his sexy voice.

His still ‘somewhere ringing a bell’ voice. A shudder goes down your spine. Not a bad one though but a good one. He sits next to you and looks you up and down.

"Now I like you even more." He says holding your hand tightly for a second before letting go again.

That doesn't help the blush. At all. Now Ryan was here and all of were eating you were stuck with just that one question. Mainly brought back to your mind by the self-content smirk on Mika's face. It was obvious she wanted to say something that she did or maybe she was behind all this. The way you all suddenly got treated like royalty. A loud ruckus is audible from outside the door. Some stuff seems to break and a couple of men and woman are shouting at whatever causes it. You look at Ryan but he has a brow pulled up making clear he has no idea either. Suddenly Robert Lads voice thunders through the halls. It's immediately silent but just for mere seconds as it's followed by an complaining whine from an animal all to known to you.


The door opens again and Robert walks in with Kirlyam's ear in his hand dragging the protesting animal with him. He let's go of him and Kirlyam immediately makes his way to you and Ryan standing in between the two of your seats. He did look good though. He was all cleaned up smelling better then ever and he even wore a collar. It was a (f/c) collar and you actually liked it. His name was engraved on it like someone had been making this especially for him over night.

"Is our breakfast to all of your likings?" He asks with a fake and a bit scaring sweet smile.

More sweet treat. Why?

"You bet ya!" Mika says flinging her feet on the table.

A stern look from Mr. Lads and she removes them again fast. He looks back at you with the creepy smile.

"I want to apologize for the way you have been treated here yesterday and our unpleasant conversation. I bid you forgive me." He says making a slight bow before he sits down on his spot at the head of the table.

Okay now you had enough of it. You dropped everything you held and looked him straight in the eye. "Okay, so what is it you want? A signature that I allow you to have my brain to erase our memory's?"

He laughs amused breaking his character. "Not precisely." Ow that was very reassuring. Not.

"Just tell them!" Mika says annoyed.

"Your new friend Ms. Robins here has convinced me of something." He says again planting his folded hands under his chin.

"And that is?" Ryan asks cautiously.

"That your girlfriend here has some potential to us. Or rather her bond with her little animal there." He resumes.

Kirlyam? How could you be of use to a secret lab hidden on an island because of Kirlyam? They did tell he didn't wanted to attach to soldiers but was that why you came of use?

"We want to make a deal." Robert continues. "All of you will be brought back to main land safely and dropped off at the nearest air port with money to resume your journey or make your way home. The body's of the killed ones we will deliver to the family's for as far that is possible and we will make sure they somehow will get something extra as a make good gift without them knowing from who. In exchange, you, (y/n) will become part of our organization. Together with your boyfriend if he wishes." He adds.

"You will train the animal according to our standards and follow our rules until there is no need for your services anymore and you can go home or something else occurs. Your services here will be regular but you will live at home with your parents. When needed or time for your work we will pick you up. Ofcorse you will be paid too." You look at Ryan who stares at Robert with an confused face before turning back to him again wearing the same expression.

"If this offer is not excepted because it is not to your liking then ofcorse we can negotiate but if it is because of mere stubbornness we will wipe this one time offer off the table and keep you here until we do find one. Understood?" He asks now a bit more threatening.

What could you do? Say you wouldn't do it and risk everything? It was a pretty good deal if you thought about it. You could still see Kirlyam and have your life back with your parents and everything else. If Ryan wanted the two of you could work together and even if he refused you could still be with him because you were allowed to live a normal life. Again you looked at Ryan. With his eyes he said 'it's up to you' but you wanted to know what he wanted.

deciding you didn't care you broke the silence and just asked him. "Could you work here?"

He doubted obviously but after a sigh he nodded taking your hand in his. "I couldn't always stay jobless. With you I could."

Your heart thumps and then and there you made your decision. He could work here, could you?


Okaaaay done! So I was bizzy being social (advice from my therapist specialized in extreme weirdo's so better do what the man says) and totally forgot for a sec that I still needed to finish this one.... I thought I had already... Welcome in Lisanne95's mind, half retarded half... squealing creepy fan girl with no brains. You still dare to read my stuff? It's infective you know. Xp love you gal's! *Rin*

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