Chapter 16; Conves, Love and murder.

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  Chapter 16; Confess, Love and murder.


Mkay, and the record keeps on growing xp. I still like it although writing becomes a little harder because I didn't quite planed this all out yet. BUT! who needs plans and guide lines if you have a writers head right?! well actually I do a little but just fuck that! XD. I am reeeeally trying to do this smut stuff good! I personally think I suck at it though X). Ow and actually pretty funny. I have another story of which I got bored in my list and I looked at it recently and saw that I now have like 210 readers for a story that doesn't continue..... is that weird? haha naa I do it too sometimes. As long as the story is good even though I really HATE it then when it stops XD. But let's move! ( ○)/ Follow me into the crazy driving land of my imagination! xp. lov ya my adorable cry fans! GAAAWD you guys are adorable! 871 readers! mkay enough flattery. GO! *Rin*

You felt like you turned into a stuttering dumb looking ball of happiness.

'He just said he loved me?!' You thought over and over again not really sure how to answer. Of what to answer you were sure though. You loved him too even though you actually just met each other like three days ago and didn't really know anything of each other. Your heart was almost beating out of your chest as you sat opposite of him soaked in ice cold zebra water.

"I would appreciate it if you'd talk. When you stay quiet like that it kind of makes me regret saying it." He said to you while scratching the back of his neck.

"A..! Ow, sorry! I.. Um.. wauw." You stuttered out while blushing madly.

You didn't quite expected that. Your wet hair still in your hand you must have looked like an idiot. Suddenly you completely realized what he had just said and you felt all your kept in feelings flush over. A big smile crept on your face and you bit your lip so you wouldn't start to giggle idiotically.

You sat down on your hands and knees right before him and kissed him. He looked pleasant surprised and kissed you again.

"That must answer your question right?" You giggled sitting back on your butt.

"Yes it does." Ryan smiled happily.

"But we should really try to find something to eat for later and go back to dry because this will get us sick." You said standing up.

"Wait just one second." Ryan said and pulled you back down to him.

He kissed you again but longer this time. You smiled. You really didn't expected this but you also really didn't mind it. Together you stood up and walked on grabbing the arrow with you again. You had your bow ready for the hunt again and Ryan his long sword. Not long after the both of you heard a sad cry from what sounded like another one of those zebra's. When you were close you stood against a tree and looked around it carefully. Ryan stood behind you so you stood between his arms. You blushed a little feeling his body warmth so close.

A little zebra was stuck in some plants and had wounds all over his body. Close by lay another one but grown up. You were sure that was it's mother. She was dead and her guts where all over the place. Feeling nauseous you looked up at Ryan behind you while the little zebra still made heart breaking cry's.

"What do we do Ryan? I can't kill him." You said as your heart hurt just by the thought of it.

Maybe it was your motherly side or just totally normal for everyone who saw this and heard it's cry's. Ryan bit his lip. You were sure he didn't liked to kill the little thing either. Slowly you made your way to the little animal putting your bow back around your shoulders and the arrow back in the quiver. You didn't wanted to look like a threat to him. Ryan followed you carefully, to the scared to death creature.

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