Chapter 24; Unexpected kindness.

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      Chapter 24; Unexpected kindness.


And we are at 24! And I keep whining about it but Owmigosh my dear readers you guys are growing like cabbage! .... okay that sounded awful did it not? Sorry, Dutch thing xp. Anyway, keep reading, though I have to admit from here on I am making everything up as I go! LOVE *Rin*

Slowly you woke up. This had been the longest night of sleep you had had over the past few days. Once again you got reminded of the cold around you without Ryan. You pushed yourself up to a sitting position and looked around when you realized Kirlyam wasn't next to you anymore like last night.

"Kirlyam?" You said your voice still crackling a bit from just waking up.

No answer. You arched your back and stood up. Then you noticed the black stripes sticking out like sore thumb in the white room. Without you noticing over night he had made his way to the bed and slumped on it to sleep on there. You smiled at the still sleeping animal. he kicked a little in his sleep and made a small sound.

Sighing and leaving him to sleep you walked back towards the window wall. The room outside was still dark but that could also be because of the lack of windows. You couldn't see Ryan or Patsy either, or anyone for that matter. with a sigh you pressed your forehead against the cold glass. What was going to happen after this?

The whole problem was that they thought you all had seen too mutch of this island and the creatures on it. Which was actually right. On the way here you had seen a lot and it was everything but normal. You turned around and let yourself slide down against the glass until you sat down and embraced your knees. Ryan had tried to make some kind of deal by saying we wouldn't tell and you had told them to even make a contract if they wanted. You wouldn't need a contract though, if possible you never wanted to think of the bad things that happened here again.

Not talking about the good that happened ofcorse. Like meeting Ryan and somehow on a twisted way getting together. The thought of his hand covering yours made you smile and just for a second it felt like he was really holding your hand, spreading his warmth into you.

He wasn't though, and the smile soon disappeared from your face. You let your head fall back against the glass harder then intended and banged against it. Instinctively you covered the back of your head with your hands.

'Great start of the day.' You thought annoyed.

You tryed to think about better things. A bath, you could kill for a-. Well that might not be the best way to say it but a bath wouldn't hurt anyone. You remembered how Alissa died and this time intentionally banged your head against the glass. Brushing your teeth again would be great or simply eating a normal meal. A sudden hunger for your favo food crept up. Great, now you even made yourself hungry for something you weren't likely to be able to eat soon. A loud bang stopped your useless train of thoughts.

The door had opened of the room where the jails were lined up. The cells that contained you, Ryan and Patsy. Just like last night six men came in. Two for every one of you. They opened the doors and stood beside it like butlers. Carefully you walked out. As soon as you did Ryan caught your eye stepping out of his cell too. Your breath got stuck in your throat as the both of you met half way. He hugged you tightly before letting you go and cupping your face.

"You don't know how mutch I missed you these past hours." He said smiling.

"I do know. I have missed you at least as mutch Ryan." You laughing so happy to see him again.

He kissed you passionately and you kissed him back just as passioned. Melting from his kiss you leaned into his strong chest. You parted, unwillingly, from the kiss but he kept one arm around your shoulders. Suddenly you remembered pore Kirlyam probably still asleep on the bed.

"Kirlyam!" You yelled for him and soon he ran out looking a bit stressed as he couldn't find you in the cell anymore. He took his place behind you when he noticed you again and Pasty who stretched out joined too.

"That was a very pleasant slumber Faith has given me. I am very grateful to her for it al tgough I am afraid I might have snored." She said putting on her huge round glasses.

"If you would follow me please." One of the men said wearing a penguin suit.

You shared a couple of looks with Ryan and Patsy as if you all had a silent talk if you should do it or not through your eyes. Eventually you all did anyway because there was not mutch to gain from protesting anyway. After many turns and stairs he stopped before a white door.

"Mr. Lads has given us the task to bring you to these showers and after to breakfast." He said.

All still kind of surprised at the sudden nice gestures from the creepy Robert Lads you got ushered inside and told to enter a door. There were maybe seven doors which you guessed lead to showers and a bit awkward you all picked one.

"Clothes will be provided for so leave those you wear now in the first changing room if you please. After your done with the shower please proceed to the second changing room for your new clothes and wait there till you will be fetched for." The butler like man said with his snobby accent.

"What happens after that? I mean you said breakfast and I really wouldn't mind a proper meal but you won't keep us separated I hope?" Ryan asked.

"No Sir. You will be brought together for breakfast again." The butler said before bowing and exiting the room leaving the three of you and Kirlyam alone. But what of Kirlyam? He was sniffing around a bit at the new sends he didn't knew. Out of nowhere a part of the wall opened up startling him and two more butler like men stepped out.

"We will take care of the little animal ma'am do not worry. Please proceed." They said.

"Well, off I am then." Patsy said disappearing into the door not very mutch later heard yelping. "Ow! What a beauty! I would prefer a waterfall but this looks pretty nice too for all the useless technology around here." Ryan and you laughed before pushing open your own door.

He winked at you before he disappeared out of sight. As the door behind you slammed closed and into the lock your mouth fell open and your eyes felt like they were too big for your head.

'This is gorgeous.'


Okay kind of a cliffhanger there. But you can't be very broken about not knowing how a bathroom looks for two/three days right? And did any of you readers thought you would be showering with Ryan? you dirty girl! XD. love you *Rin*

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