Chapter 8; gather to go.

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              Chapter 8; Gather to go.


And there it is, the next chapter. Enjoy reading guys!

The fear in his face was kind of disturbing to the still half sleeping you so you woke up as soon as a teenager can.

"Ryan what is it? why are you..."

You got interrupted by a loud and weird cry. With wide eyes you looked at where the noise came from. A big black dog like animal stood on the edge of the woods looking at us with two more of them right behind him.

"What in hell is that?!" You yelled completely awake now.

Ryan pulled you up and you ran together to the others. Mark stood in front of the group swinging with a burning branch.

"We have to get up higher or we won't survive it until the next day starts!" Mark shouted.

The sky was pitch black with just a few stars. We were probably just somewhere in the middle of the night.

"The plane! We can climb on the left over of the body of the plane!" Ryan shouted at Mark over the high pitched screams of the creatures.

Mark nodded in agreement at him and signed everyone to follow. David grabbed Kally who didn't seem to notice anything around her. As one we started to run as fast as we could towards the part of the wreck of the plane where we could easily climb up. When we started to run the creatures immediately started moving too and ran to the exact same place we were heading to making exited noises as to be ready to hunt. Just one problem, they seemed to be way faster than we were and would certainly reach the easy climbable spot first. Mark seemed to have realized that too and threw the burning branch at the three animals. Just for a few seconds they slowed down and got distracted and making use of that we ran past them and started climbing up.

Soon they recovered and ran on. With just three jumps they had reached us with they're high pitched screams. Mark was the only one still down there because he helped everyone up and was now the one in most danger.

"Mark! behind you!" You yelled at him hoping he would somehow climb fast enough to make it up in time.

This was starting to look a little too much like a video game.

He jumped up fast and grabbed on to an iron bar that was sticking out. Quickly Giuseppe and David grabbed his arm and pulled him up just in time before he would have been devoured by those creatures. One of them did manage to cut a shallow wound in his leg though but Mark didn't seem to notice it and it looked shallow.

The burning branch that Mark had thrown to them made it a bit easier to separate they're pitch black skin from the night self and now all of you could get a good look at them.

They had the body of a lion or the same structure at least, with the head of a dog. But they looked still different then dogs. They're eyes were all black and around their heads they had a frill like frill-necked lizard's have. Their eyes were all black like the rest of the creature. they're tails were long and half way split into two with sharp points at the end. They had strong muscled like legs and two pair of front legs with razor sharp nails in them. Together they dug there teeth which were like shark tooth with sables in between in the body of the plane.

"Maybe faith send them to us! Maybe it is our time and she is trying to tell us that! we shouldn't hide." Patsy said on a spiritual way.

Everybody ignored her.

Your foot slipped a bit and you threatened to fall right in between the three animals. But before that could happen Ryan grabbed you wrist and dragged you backwards. Securely he held both of your arms. You held his arms back firmly to make sure you wouldn't fall again, and when he slowly let go of your arms you grabbed one of his and wrapped your arms around it to stay save. He slowly wrestled you fingers off of his arm and wrapped his arm around your waist instead. You thankfully looked up at him as your heart beat started to speed up. Even though you doubted if that was possible with how fast it was going already from what happened.

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