Chapter 23; Locked up alone.

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         Chapter 23; Locked up alone.


It's going so faaaast *crying*! But we still have a bit to go friends. Here we goooo! Don't die on me! Lov you my closest buddy's! *Rin* (Ow that must be creeping you out right now ^(*^*)^.)

"I want all of you to be able to go home and live your life happily again, believe me. But now that you have seen so much it all is getting a bit complicated. This is not exactly an island to go to for a vacation or your honey moon." Robert said with a scary smirk plastered on his face.

"Yeah we noticed, don't worry we aren't planning on staying anyway. I don't see the problem. You bring us back home and we will shut up about anything we have seen here, it's that simple right?" Ryan said showing a little of his ‘getting sick of this’ side to Robert who was basically scaring the hell out of you.

He laughed a little. "You do make it sound less complicated then it is boy. But for now let's leave the conversation at where it is. I will arrange someone to show you to your room-"

"jail." Mika interrupted him standing up as he did.

He just simply ignored her and kept looking at you, Ryan and Patsy. His eyes fell on Kirlyam. You were sure he had seen Kirlyam already before now but after what he had said you couldn't help it but feel a bit afraid of what was going to happen with him. Ryan and you were human and could talk for yourselves and with Ryan there to live for you were certain you would but him, he was just an animal after all.

"He will be staying with you miss (l/n). Let me warn you though seeing you are quite attached to the beast. As you leave here, on however way, that will stay. And it will most certainly not ever get off of this island. Do you understand me clearly?" While he said it he had walked closer to you and seeing he was way taller then you were he was bend over you.

Ryan slipped between the two of you pushing you behind his back protectively. Gratefully you grasped his hand between yours and held it tight. you didn't wanted to show any fear on your face, but that never said there was none.

"Am I clear?" He asked again saying every word slowly and clearly.

"We do." Ryan answered very confident for you.

Grateful you didn't have to talk to this creep you just nodded. You weren't all chicken though because however scared you were for all the unknown and dangers possibly coming next you couldn't bear the thought of being separated from Ryan a whole night after spending every single night these past days against him. You held his eyes until he looked away and somehow that felt like a small victory. Small, but a victory is a victory.

"Very well then." He said before leaving the room.

Ryan turned to you as the tense atmosphere softened and he wrapped you in his strong arms. Softly you felt his breath flow past your ear as he whispered something to you.

"How can I stay away from you after all those nights together."

A mad red blush dashed to your face. You remembered that creep leaving but Mika was still here. Luckily she couldn't hear what Ryan had just whispered to you but still you felt quite embarrassed. He let go of you and Mika coughed awkwardly. 

"Well, um I think I know which cells he meant and, um, they aren't bad so for just a night you will be fine right? I'm not saying I'm okay with this though." She said a bit unsure of what to say now.

She sighed and smiled loosening her tense self. "Okay come on you love birds. Better I lead you guys there." She said as she threw her arm around Patsy who had been scaringly quiet the whole time.

She dragged Patsy with her while talking together followed by an uncertain Ryan and you. She seemed to try to cheer you all up after all said and done not only today but overall. But it was obvious she wasn't happy with what happened at all either and was just putting up an act. Like the habit it had now become your hand was intertwined with Ryan's as you followed the happily chatting couple before you, Kirlyam trailing behind you.

Soon you reached a hallway with multiple 'rooms', as Robert had called them, with transparent thick glass walls between the front two pillars. They were all white but so white it was almost scary. Mika stops before a row of three of those white jails and stopped with her hands behind her back.

"Well, here it is." She said pointing at the three front cells.

Ryan tensed up even more then he already had been when the door behind you where you all just walked through flew open again and six of those men that had been pointing guns at you just hours ago now entered and made their way over.

Brutally they grabbed you and Ryan by the shoulders and pulled you away from each other. Patsy got picked up too and before you knew it they pushed you towards one of the white cells apart from Ryan. You started to struggle and fight back but they were too strong for you.

"Dear Faith! Don't be such a barbarian!" You heard Patsy yells at the two who handled her.

That was the most offensive you have ever heard Patsy say, ever. Mika was yelling too as she was held by her waist by another one as all of you got separated.

"No! Stop! You don't have to force them what do you gain from it!" She yelled struggling.

"(y/n)!" Ryan yelled at you before he disappeared out of sight dragged into his white cell like you.

He punched a guy in the face and shoved the other off him making a dash for you but the men recovered too fast and had caught him before he even came close to you.

Kirlyam had bitten one of the man who held you but their suit prevented him from getting harmed and with some paralyzer they brought him down temporarily.

"You can't do this! What kind of threat are we to you?! We already promised not to tell, make us sign a contract or something!" You shouted after the men had dropped the both of you and just left you and Kirlyam in your cell closing the transparent door.

You banged on it with your fist but it didn't work. All you gained from it was a hand that hurted like hell and maybe even a few broken bones. It didn't seem like they even heard you anymore as they walked away dragging a cursing Mika with them. You slumped down to your knees next to the slowly moving Kirlyam getting back from the short while being paralyzed. He made a cute noise almost as if to say he was there with you and you put his head on your lap as few tears escaped.

How were you supposed to go on? Nothing was certain from here on out. Desperate to hear his calming voice again you said his name hoping he would hear you, but there never came an answer. Sound proof, predictable. You patted the poor paralyzed Kirlyam until the both of you fell asleep on the ground. You never even noticed the bed and after all the uncomfortable places you slept in the past few days this floor felt like Christmas. Though you couldn't help but miss Ryan's warm body against your back.


OMG! I don't know how people write just days before their dead line! I'M SO WINGIN IT RIGHT NOW! How am I doing? And another reason for me to turn Loko... 1.6K!!! I am in love with you all! My sweet Ryan/Cry loving army (*^-^*). Super sweet, thanks! and do something for yourself you'll enjoy, from me ^^. Lov yaa *Rin*

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