Chapter 20; Attacked again.

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          Chapter 20; Attacked again.


We are so nearing the end! Depressing! Maybe, MAYBE! I will make a sequel about how Ryan and 'you' go on in the civil world or something. Or maybe you'll go back for a reason. IDK! We'll see. I am also making an Avengers fanfic at the moment. Called; An Avengers application. I have posted a the first a while ago. I am writing it now but I like to write a big part before I post it. It is getting a bit hard for me.. yes I know, that sounds weird right? xp ego? naaa. But I'll make it to the end. How? Idfk but I will! *Rin* One question, Is my English grammar bad? *Rin* P.s yo my surprice one sweetheart has actually read my A.N's and she won! Her name is; LunaWritesStuff and her character will apear in the next chapter ^^. Thanks girl! <3

Almost there. You really couldn't believe it. Ryan had his arm around your shoulders as you were walking once again. Kirlyam was holding on to your free hand with his mouth. Patsy was humming like always and Giuseppe was complaining quietly as he sauntered behind us.

Patsy started dancing and skipped past the two of you. Suddenly you saw a dark reddish thing in front of you all.

"Uh, Patsy-" You tryed to warn her.

But you were too late. She slammed into a the wall thing face first and dropped backwards as stiff as a board. She blinked a couple of times.

"Hu, I cannot see what faith wanted to tell me with this. Normally we are so in sink." Still snickering you, Ryan and Giuseppe picked the still astonished Patsy up.

It was not a wall she bumped into though. Kirlyam was calling out to you a little away. He sounded scared. You hadn't noticed he had stopped walking. As the others tended to Patsy who was now out of sorts that she couldn't understand what 'faith' wanted you walked to the 'wall' and putt your hand on it carefully.

It was warm like a skin and it slowly rose and fell like it breathed. Ryan came up next to you.

"What is it? We reached the wall (y/n)! If we find the door we're out of here." He said excited.

"No Ryan wait. Put your hand next to mine. This doesn't feel like a wall."

Just as Ryan was about to put his hand next to yours the thing breathed in as if to sigh and made a rumbling sound as it did. The red coloured thing started to move and as the tree's moved with it the head of the huge red dragon you had seen before rose above the tree's.

Patsy hadn't walked into the last wall to the lab but into the huge body of a dragon, waking him as she did. As his body disappeared before all of you a giant paw replaced it. Ryan wrapped his arms around your middle and pulled you away fast. If he hadn't you would have been squished by now.

The huge animal was now on full length looking down, searching for what it was that had woke him up. It spotted you and the others pretty fast and blew out a hot cloud of steam as if to show how annoyed it was. You were all as quiet as possible not wanting to make the same mistake Alissa had made with the snake. Sticking his nose between the tree's he smelled  all of you. You looked up searching for Kirlyam but you couldn't see him anywhere.

"Fuck it!" Giuseppe yelled angrily. "This thing is not gonna hurt us. The other smaller ones didn't so why would he? He looks like one. A bit overgrown perhaps." The dragon had cried out when Giuseppe talked probably finding his target.

"Run!" Ryan shouted and bolted away pulling you with him.

You looked behind seeing Patsy standing in her expected Y-stand as Giuseppe not far away yelled at the dragon. Your eyes flickered away and then you saw it. The wall had been behind the dragon. he had laid against it and hidden the door but now that he stood on his feet the door was clearly visible again. You puller Ryan's arm to stop him.

"Look! The second door Ryan! It's there!" He followed your pointing finger to the door with his eyes.

He let out a little laugh and kissed you. "You found it." He said happily.

Patsy who had finally started to run and still ran like a panther stopped next to the both of you. Giuseppe must have realized he was wrong about this dragon because he now ran towards the three of you as fast as he could as the dragon slowly made it's way after him.

"How are we going to reach it?" Patsy asked you two probably having noticed the door too.

"Underneath him. We have to run underneath him as fast as we can." You said doing your best to sound confident in your own plan.

It did mean that all of you had to go closer to it first.

"No time to be picky we got to move!" Ryan said pushing you towards the door as Giuseppe ran now next to the three of you and the dragon right behind him.

As you all passed the first paw you heard the dragon screech. Other animals reacted on his cry filling the whole forest with high pitched cry's. One of those cry's sounded familiar. It were those black dog animals. They were the ones who made that sound.

Suddenly it hit you again. Kirlyam. Where was Kirlyam?! You looked around feverishly while you ran hooping to spot him somewhere close. But you didn't. Suddenly those cry's that sounded just seconds ago gave you shills. What if it was a cry of victory when he had caught prey. Kirlyam being the prey. You passed the second leg of the animal who started moving again distracted from whatever he was doing.

You didn't knew if you even wanted an answer on the question what the dragon was doing. He turned around and as he spotted all of you half underneath him he breathed in loudly. Was he going to do what you thought he was going to do?

He breathed out fire keeping his head low to the ground. All of you got a sea of hot burning flames over the lower side of your legs. You all fell down to the ground with burned a bleeding legs. There was no way you had any change of reaching that door like this.

Giuseppe was right behind us and Patsy in frond. We were separated by inches. Giuseppe cried out. The giant red paw with enormous sharp nails came down. It caged us with Giuseppe in the middle. Ryan pulled you half underneath him to protect you.

You covered your head with one hand and gripped Ryan's hand with the other. 

"I love you Ryan!" You shouted at him over the cry's of several creatures sounded still responding on the dragon's.

"I love you too! For ever (y/n)!" He yelled back to you.

You couldn't die now. You wanted to live with Ryan. See your parents again and really grow up with him. You begged for a way out, and like an answer you felt a cold liquid cover your wounded lower legs. Your legs hurted less. Now you could run, just where was your opportunity?


Get that stupid opportunity here! What? What do you mean delay?! ugh! great xp. Interns! XD. Sooo how the hell are you going to get out of this? I know ^^ but you don't. Ha! I love to be the writer for once instead of reader. I am really tired right now so I think I'll just go hang around a bit and eat. Especially eat. You guy's must think; WAUW! such a short A.N for once gawd finally! XD. Lov ya my little dragon woman’s xp I keep calling you guys things don't I? ;) *Rin*

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