Chapter 22; locked away to make a deal.

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     Chapter 22; Locked away to deal.


So we have a little more of the Mika girl. What do you guys think of her? All credits go to LunaWritesStuff for creating her peops. Anyway, I have changed drastically. Can't you see it? My A.N's are waaaay shorter! I'm so proud of myself right now. But I need to shut up because if I keep talking this A.N will be all long again XD. lov you aaall my lovely reader! Forever grateful *Rin*

The girl called Mika lead all of you to something like a conference room.

"So, take a chair." Mika said a little uncomfortable and not sure of what to say to us in the mean time.

A little insecure you sat down on the soft chairs. All the people that walked by had seemed so clean and smelled good compared to all of you and it actually felt a bit like a pity to sit of this clean chair. But once your butt hit the soft chair it all went out the window.

This was like therapy for a nutcase. But then for your butt. Ryan seemed to have the same because when you looked at him he had a content smirk on his face literally nestling himself in the office like chair. When all of you, or actually the three of you and Kirlyam, sat it went quiet. Kirlyam sat under the table biting your shoe like a dog. When Mika noticed she jumped at the opportunity to break the silence. It was obvious why it was silent like this though, there was a lot to talk about but nobody wanted to start.

"Hello buddy." Mika said ducking down as she got something out of her white lab coat pocket. "You want this?"

She reached him what you guessed was a treat for the creatures like Kirlyam but the stubborn animal he was he refused and bit your shoe harder. Bad part, he bit your toe too. You flinched grabbing the arms of the chair and biting your lip not to yell a loud and probably awkward yelp. At you flinch Mika laughed. She covered her mouth with her hand not to look rude but she couldn't keep it in and burst out laughing.

It somehow comforted you to see her laugh because it took away all the tense atmosphere and Ryan started laughing too. You slammed him on his chest with a flat hand playfully to shut him up but it didn't work because you were laughed now too. Kirlyam, who obviously didn't understood the situation, crawled from under the glass table clumsily. He wanted the treat but it was like he would have to take it from his creepy uncle. He was doubting.

"Well, maybe I ain't the person to give it to you, but you look so cute." She handed you the fleshy sticky treat which you passed on to the almost tail wagging Kirlyam who took it eagerly.

"Why are we waiting here actually? It's obvious we are, but for who or what?" Ryan asked placing the question in the open that had been bugging your mind.

Mika seemed to realize that she hadn't told us yet and she stood up smiling again.

"Ow yeah. I didn't said that yet did I? Gosh, so smart and still I forget the easier things. Anyway, we are just waiting for the boss to arrive. He wanted to talk to all of you." She said flopping down on a chair herself twirling circles in it as she talked.

There was no time to ask any more questions though because just when she finished her sentence a tall dark man with no hair and one blind eye walked in. He reminded you of a mixture of a pirate and Nick Fury from Avengers. He eyed Mika who was still twirling. When she spotted him she stopped abruptly but so fast she dropped from the chair with a yelp. She stood up vast trying to keep her laughter in of the sudden surprise and her own reaction.

"Miss Robins, we would appreciate you behaving more ... grown up when in our guests company." He said with a dark raspy voice.

You couldn't stop the shudder that went down your spine when he talked. The accompanied confident smirk he shot you three didn't really bettered the feeling either. The Mika girl seemed like a nice girl though and maybe she later on could be of help to all of you. You had to keep  yourself in her favor.

The man placed himself in the chair on the head of the table Mika had just been in and eyed all of you with his hand joined before him on the table. He got on your nerves and Ryan didn't seemed very comfortable either. Patsy didn't seemed affected at all though. She was staring right back at him. Not scared looking and not rude either. You had to say it was brave of her though.

"I am Robert Lads. I am the, let's say boss around here. We have been following your journey from the beginning with much interest I have to say. I'm sorry for your losses." He said almost emotionless.

You suddenly had the extreme want to grab your bag from the floor next to you and slam him with it as hard as you could. But it wasn't you who burned out at him like you wanted too. Mika was faster then you as she slammed her hands on the table with anger burning in her eyes.

"You were watching?! You told me there were people on the island that crashed close to here yesterday, like within the closest wall 'here'! Was that a lie too?!" She yelled at him.

She seemed quite distressed and surprisingly at your side. The man called Robert had lied to his own workers, even to her who seemed to be of quite high standard here. Ryan looked at you also surprised at the sudden outburst of the girl.

"Calm down miss Robins. Sit down and listen please." With disgust on her face she did what she was told to. "As I was saying, we have been following your journey from the beginning and, I have to be honest, I am quite surprised that the three of you made it here. Tonight we will place all of you separated in a secured room-"

Mika snorted. "A cell you mean." Robert just gave her a blank stare before talking on.

"However you want to name it. We already know all of every one of you and I think all of you are very eager to get home. However before we can let you go home we have to solve a little problem we have here with you surviving." He said.

It gave you goose bumps all over at the words 'with you surviving.'. Was he going to kill you all off after everything?


Cliffhangeeeeeer! A little. Sorry but I was going a bit out of line with the length of the chap so I needed a point to cut it off. How do you guys like it all? Mika, Robert, the whole almost threat thing? tell me! ^^. lov the whole lot of you *smudges your face*.... embarrassing.... *Rin*

P.S AAAHHHH YOU GUYS ARE KILLING ME WITH LOVE! 1.5K!! you guys literally grew like a hundred over a few days!!! I GOT MY OWN ARMY NOW!!! ♡♡♡ you guys are the best ^^.

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