Chapter 7; Making ourselves ready.

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    Chapter 7; Making ourselves ready.


Well.. I have no idea what to say.. permission to read on: granted.

With the stick he drew an big paint splatter looking shape what you guessed was supposed to be the island we where on now. We all gathered around the place he was drawing except for Kally. Even though it was the weirdest time to notice something like this you saw that none of you all had any shoes on. Explainable seeing that you all had to take them off in the plane. You focussed back on Mark.

"They call this Black spot island. It's like the brother of the Bermuda triangle but then created by human. The government tries to make powerful creatures here to use in the army. that's why I and my three buddy's where on the plane. We would go to the original destination too then go back to the coast and take a special boat which would bring us here." He looked sad thinking about his fellow army men before he moved on by drawing a circle like shape on the island.

"This is called the outer wall. From that wall until the edge of the sea they keep the experiments that failed or they couldn't control anymore and left here to die." He got interrupted by David.

"Well that sounds just great! What are you trying to tell us? That we ended up in some kind of Jurassic park from the government?!" He grumbled but kept on listening anyway. We all ignored him and looked back at Mark.

"Within that wall is another one." He said as he drew a smaller one in the bigger one.

"There, in between the inner and the outer wall they keep the projects they are working with now, and within the inner wall they have their own facility where they do the tests and the professors live. That was the place where me and my buddy's where supposed to go to. And that's probably the way out of here." He put the stick down.

You kind of doubted if you could call it 'save' if you had to go through two areas full of 'experiments' from the government.

And obviously Danny thought so too because he laughed sarcastically.

"What do you expect? That we pack whatever we still have and go there trough all those 'experiments'?" Then his girlfriend Alissa tuned in.

"And if they notice that you and the other army men aren't there on time or they hear about the plane maybe they'll come and get us! We should stay here so they can find us. Maybe you could call them or something?!"

You thought about it and actually that would be what you would do if it was an 'normal' plane crash but into an area with thrown away experimented animals you rather not stay at the place they could find you easily and the broken plane drew attentions.

And Ryan was the one who said that just as you thought it.

Everybody seemed to agree with that and Danny and Alissa backed down.

"I doubt if any of our phones will be okay still after the crash. I don't even know where mine is right now." You said remembering you had put your phone in you bag but you didn't knew where he ended up after all this.

"I can't find mine either so that would be the first problem. Finding a phone that we can use." Ryan said after you.

"What is a 'phone'?" Patsy asked while looking curious trough her owl like glasses.

'Really?! Where did they dig her up? maybe she is like one of those spiritual people who only go for nature.' You thought astonished by her question.

"It wouldn't have done anyway because you can't call on this island. They have a field around it that keeps it from being found and reached on any way. The plane shouldn't even been here if it hadn't been for the wind. They also have a code for every door in the inner and outer wall that only I know and my fellow soldiers knew so I will tell them to all of you later in case I don't make it." Mark said seriously.

We decided all to gather whatever we could find to use as weapons or medicine or anything else that could be useful and leave tomorrow morning. The man would make the weapons from what would be found and Alissa, Patsy and you would look around for anything useful further. You all didn't expect anything from Kally seeing she was softly humming child songs while still rocking.

After looking around for a while and collecting a lot of things you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning around you saw Ryan.

"Hey. Um, (y/n) right? I found this and Mark said it was yours so I thought I'd bring it to you. It looks like something you would treasure." He said as he reached out a bundle to you.

Then you realized what it was. The blanked that you had gotten from your parents just a few hours ago. Tears ran down your face as you suddenly realized that they must be so worried and scared. You took the blanked from his hands.

"Thank you." Was all you could get our of your mouth before you threw your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly.

He stiffened when you hugged him but slowly he relaxed and hugged you back a little. It was obvious that he was shy and a bit socially awkward but you didn't mind.

You let go of him and wiped away your tears.

"Sorry. I got this one from my parents just before I got on the plane and seeing it now again made me really realize what has happened." You said trying to smile a bit while still whipping tears away.

Ryan laughed sweetly at you and softly and a bit awkwardly he patted your head. A bit surprised you looked up at him. As you did you felt your heart made a thump. With your tears whipped away you smiled as brightly as you could at him.

"I'm all right! really, thanks Ryan."

Soon it became dark and all of us had created or gathered stuff we could use tomorrow. My bag had been found back too but to make use of it again we had to empty it and put our other stuff in. Your phone had been completely crushed and useless to take with you so you left it. The sky had turned dark red and the fire that had gone out was now put back on again. We all gathered around the fire once more this time surprisingly all with our shoes on. Pair for pair we had found them back and everyone was happy with it. Well, except for Patsy. She said she HAD to wear them or she wasn't allowed in the plane but now she didn't wanted to see them ever again so Mark bound them to one of the bags as extra. In the bag had still been the cookies from mom and I decided to share them with everyone together with the small amount of food we had found from the near tree's and other bags.

Now you were all pretty okay on the food part but tired as hell. Mark, who had had all sorts of army training and had become like the team leader, had said that it would be smart to keep guard on turns and he would start. You stood up from the log you had been sitting up again next to Ryan and looked for a place to try to sleep. A little behind the log was the iron tail from the plane and you decided to sleep there.

"Well, I'm beat. night guy's." You said as you grabbed your blanked from behind the log and walked up to the plane tail.

You heard Ryan say that he was gonna sleep too and he followed you. You ended up just a little apart from each other against the tail.

"Sweet dreams (y/n). You need them." He smiled sweetly before turning his back to you.

A small smile crept on you face. You threw half of the blanked over him as the both of you would easily fit under it together.

"Good night Ryan." Was the last thing you whispered before drifting off immediately.

Roughly you got shaken awake. Still half sleeping you looked at who was it that shook you so violently. It was Ryan with fear written all over his face.


 ...... you're back.. I still know nothing to say. To the next chapter? 

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