Chapter 15; Half way. (Ryan's POV)

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    Chapter 15; Half way. (Ryan's POV)


I just saw that the last Ryan chapter was three chaps back!! (00) I am so sorry! But you know sometimes I write three chaps in one day and well then you look at them different. Just like the smut thingy, for me they go okay 'cause I write fast but for you guys they must go hellish slow. Well to make that up I'll put smut in Ryan's chap. I promise pall's! Still have no freaking idea how but I will! I WILL AS IF MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! For ma sweet readers. Ow and I was watching a Dutch horror movie De lift. That was a good movie. It was like; shooeeffff! "wauw! was that an elevator?" "I don't know! ask Tracy she was looking." "He Tracy.. Ow fuck her head is gone!" Hahahah I loved it. But I'm talking too long already xp. lov ya my little killer elevators.... insulting. Sexy killer elevators!... still insulting... UGH! *Rin*

We had been walking another few hours. There were a lot of rocks to climb over in this area so we went slower than before. Ofcorse that Mark was the one who kept the food and now wasn't here anymore didn't quite help too seeing we were all hungry.

(y/n) had been so sad. I could imagine why. Mark had taken on the roll of leader of us all from the beginning and for her he acted a bit like the temporarily father/protector here. Our fingers were still intertwined with each other. She had stopped crying a couple of hours ago at the door as she had looked at the self made medal Mark had given her.

I remembered how he had looked at me when we were running and (y/n) ended up behind. He had nodded as if to say; 'Catch her and keep moving!'. So I did.

But it was happening and forgetting here. If you didn't you were the next. Patsy and Giuseppe walked behind us. Patsy humming happily as she was surrounded by nature once again and Giuseppe asking constantly if she would "please shut the hell up!".

Ofcorse she didn't.

(y/n) was looking around.

"I wonder what kind of creatures live here. This is supposed to be the area where they are still experimenting with animals right? They must be completely different from what we have seem till now then." She said.

Giuseppe looked up.

"Really? I hadn't thought about that yet. Hey isn't it smarter then if we look for a place to stay a while and get a new food supply and all?" He asked looking at me.

Now Mark "The leader" was gone everybody seemed to look at me. While Giuseppe was older then me even he did. I sighed a bit.

"Yeah, sounds like a plan." We had to make a new food supply anyway so maybe it was better if we did that now it was still light and only half way the day.

Soon Patsy had found a way up the hill from the mountain which led to a small cave and a little place in front of it before the road went on uphill. The cave was a few foot above the ground and looked just deep enough for all of us. We dropped our bags there and divided the jobs.

Giuseppe would go get wood for a fire and Patsy, with her weird nature gifts, would help him out carrying it and make the fire itself. (y/n) and I would go look for this to eat or to hunt for. When we all had our jobs we went to do them.

There was nothing to find like berries or something and (y/n) and I decided to go hunt. Even though we actually both hoped we didn't have to.

(y/n) took her bow off and put an arrow on it. We walked quietly and looked around for animals or whatever else there lived here. Soon we found an animal not far from our new temporarily camp. It looked like a zebra but it had a longer tail and two pair of ears right behind each other instead of one. On it's legs at the back he had a pointy bone stick out probably to fight with like other animals had horns.

On his shoulder plates he had two half fishtail like tings. One on the front a bit bigger then the little one half hidden behind. He was eating some grass and twitching his ears ever now and then.

He brayed softly.

"Well, here goes nothing." (y/n) said while she pulled her arrow backwards and aimed at the animal.

Her arrow flew through the air straight in the neck of the zebra. He cried out and pranced. The zebra turned into water and splashed down on the ground with the arrow in a pool of water. When all the water hid the ground a big splash came our way and drenched (y/n) and me to the bone. We fell to our butts. Drenched in the ice cold water we sat on the ground. Out of nowhere we both started to laugh.

"Wauw! I really didn't expected that to happen!" She laughed.

"No me neither." I laughed with her.

She looked even more beautiful when she laughed. As she wiped her wet (h/c) (h/l) out of her face I decided. I would tell her. Any moment one of us could die out here and I didn't wanted to waist even one second.

"(y/n), I got to tell you something." I said the nerves already kicking in.

She stopped laughing, laid down her bow and pulled up her knees with her arm around them. She still smiled broadly while she squished the most water out of her hair.

"What is it? Don't tell me you want to do this again please!" She laughed.

"No, believe me that's not it. It's just that I liked the way you laughed, and the way you are. I like you, or rather... I love you (y/n)." I said happy I finally got that out.

Her eyes had turned big and surprised. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all. To break the silence I spoke.

"I would appreciate it if you'd talk. When you stay quiet like that it kind of makes me regret saying it." I said to her while scratching the back of my neck.

"A..! Ow, sorry! I.. Um.. wauw." She stuttered out while blushing madly.

That didn't really made it better although her stuttering was just as cute as the rest.


Mkay.... I really have no Fucking idea how to write this!!!! Action is my thing! no love scenes and passion! Please guys tell me I'm doing okay? BUT NO LYING! I do want the truth. Anyway I said I would make all the not so much smut chaps up with this one but well it didn't really work out that way so I hope or rather think I will make the leftover make up-percents good in the rest of the next chap. I really wanted to do a part of it in your POV 'cause that's just a must for you guys and I thought it would be kinda weird to do the whole lovey dovey thing from Ryan's POV. I also rather feel uncomfortable writing as Ryan 'cause I have the feeling I ain't good at writing like him. Like capturing his character and all. What do you guys think? I think I'm not as good at that part as the other Cryxreader writers. But enough depressing thoughts! Silence brings the truth and seeing I don't want that right now personally I'll just have to make sure there is no silence!!! Sooo, *Putting down big stereo again, connects phone again and starts song; Tasty networks. Ariana & the Rose - In your bed and goes crazy. Dragging you with me* lov ya my water zebra killing honey's! *Rin*

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