Chapter 6; So few of us.

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              Chapter 6; So few of us.


People I'm kind of surprised I made it this far to be honest. I usually get bored and annoyed of my own work very soon but I still have many plans for this one! Btw, I kinda changed my mind.. I know that is nerve wreaking isn't it. I am gonna put some more unnatural in here. I'll start, I think, in chapter 8? or maybe the next one. we'll see. It's not going to be extreme though, just some animals. 

He took a step closer to you and went on his knees. His arms slit behind your back and under legs and automatically you wrapped your arms around his neck. He stood up carrying you bridal style and slowly and carefully made his way over the left over mess from what used to be the plane.

When he had reached the ground he put you down on your feet and you gave him a grateful smile. You remembered that smile from in the plane. It was that same military man that had been sitting so close to you and had smiled when you crawled under your blanked. You had heard him talk to his fellow soldiers.

"Thanks." You said to him.

(HAHAH IT WASN'T CRY!!  sorry.)

He was covered in black from the smoke but seemed to be fine. He beckoned you to follow him and while you slowly started to follow him you looked around you. A lot of tree's and wild growing plants, the sunlight made it now very clear to see that it had been the wreck of the plane you had been in just now and the darkness was smoke that went up ongoing into the sky.

You felt your foot hitting something and looked down. It was a stuffed doll. A girly doll with blond curly hair with two pink ribbons in it and a little pink dress on. Or you guessed it was pink but it was hard to see because the doll also as manny other things was covered in the ash and dirt.

You felt a little sad looking at the smiling face of the doll before walking on to keep up with the army man. He lead you to the back, or what was supposed to be the back, of the plane and where the tail was bend a little like a metal cave a few other people sat by a small fire. The army man signed you to sit down next to a guy that was sitting on a log. You sat down next to him and the army man got some bandages and stuff from a emergency bag probably found somewhere around the plane. He sat in front of you on his knees and started disinfecting and bandaging your lower arm.

You looked around at the people around the fire, pulling pained face every now and then from the disinfecting stuff. Opposite of you sat the couple who had been in front of you in the plane all covered in the same black stuff as all of us from the smoke. Once again they sat so close that it wouldn't surprise you if they went up in each other. He had black hair and she had light brown hair in a knot. Next to them on the ground sat a middle aged woman with red wild hair and wearing all kind of hippy rainbow colored clothes and mega big and round glasses. Next to her were three men that I didn't recognize. Also somewhere in the thirty's.

The guy next to me looked familiar. then I remembered who he was. It was the guy that bumped into me before we went into the plane. The guy's brown hair was a little messy and his green shirt was torn a bit but his glasses still seemed intact. He was the only one around your age but still he was older then you.

Not sure if you should ask this you did it anyway.

"Is this all of the survivors?" The couple looked annoyed at you and the rest ignored you. The guy with the glasses next to you answered as nobody else did.

"Yes, we seem to be all of them." He said looking around at everyone.

"We should introduce. I'm Mark, the couple there are Alissa and Danny. The other three guy's there are Eric, David and Giuseppe. The woman in between our couple and the three with the glasses is Patsy. The guy next to you is Ryan." Ryan smiled briefly at you. "And the woman hidden behind him is Kally." The army guy said.

"I'm (y/n)." You said feeling obliged to say your name too.

The army guy, or Mark, sat down on the ground and you looked at the woman next to Ryan. She was rocking herself with her arms wrapped around her legs. Carefully you leaned in towards Ryan and asked quietly.

"Is she okay?" Quarter sarcastic quarter concerned and half questioning.

He looked at the woman called Kally and then back to you. He smiled a bit sadly before talking.

"She um.. she lost her daughter in the plane crash yesterday. She has been like this ever sins."

"Pore woman. Hope she will be okay." You said back.

"Where are we actually?" you asked before thinking.

One of the three man which you believed was called Eric started shouting at you angrily.

"Like we know girl! what do you think we are?! some magic lamp guy's? we have been asking our self's that question all day yesterday while you were being passed out!" He leaned back against a big tree with anger written all over his face.

"Back off Eric!" Mark said who was now done with bandaging my lower arm.

Mark looked a bit in trouble when he sat down. Like he knew more. You caught yourself staring at him with a frown on your face and obviously more people had noticed now because they where looking at Mark too.

When Mark realized it he sighed. "Well, maybe I should just tell you guys and be done with it."

He grabbed a stick and started drawing in the sand next to the fire.


Longest chapter ever! well, at least it felt like it. I should really up my game. I still just wanted to say that chapters like these are needed because I want to make it realistic. Btw, Normally I describe my characters way more but I wanted you guy's to use your imagination and just make them look like you wanted to. Btw-btw, Happy easter!

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