Chapter 25; Royal bathroom.

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         Chapter 25; Royal bathroom.



I have been LaLa landing about 'The end is nearing!!!' for quite some chaps now but actually I should just shut up. *feeling like the Maya's now* You know what? you'll notice when it ends! I'll hold my big mouth ^^. loveee *Rin*

All the walls were covered with beautiful decorations and a big chandelier hang from the ceiling. In the middle was a bath tub so big it could have been a pool in your backjard with an assortment of all kind of shampoo’s and lotions and whatever more at the side. A sweet and calming fragrance filled your nose. There was a beautifully made folding screen to undress behind and pure white towels neatly placed on a small chair at the side. The whole bathroom had a bit of a Victorian vibe but you couldn't care less.

You stripped off your dirty shoes, the blouse and your shirt, and finally your skinny jeans only leaving your underwear. You spotted the sink with a tooth brush and tooth paste. That was the first you went for. Brushing your teeth and your gum at least three times you were finally satisfied with your tooth again. Then moving on to the small stairs leading to the huge bath tub yo felt the soft red carpet on them which tickled between your toes as you walked up to the filled with hot water tub. Rid of your underwear too you slowly let your dirty self into the warm water. This felt like heaven. Sinking underneath the water to make your (h/l) (h/c) wet you relax every muscle in your body.

Once up again you turn to the unbelievable amount of soaps and shampoo’s trying to pick one. They had Roses and blueberry, mint, flowers and perfumed and way more you couldn't even recognize but all smelled good. You picked your favorite and washed your hair with it. Finding a soap that suited with your shampoo you washed your body after scrubbing all the dirt and mud and some blood from small cuts off with the softest washing cloth ever. After that you just relaxed in the warm water letting your muscles loose completely. You even almost fell asleep from the warm steam of the water with the sweet fragrance and the calming water engulfing you.

Reluctant you got yourself out after what felt like hours of bathing. Your fingers were wrinkled so you guessed it at least had been an hour. Grabbing one of the huge white towels as you walked over the red soft carpet towards a body length mirror, you hadn't even seen yet, you wrapped yourself in it. It reached, wrapped around your torso, till the floor and immediately warmed your body through and through. The floor heating helped too ofcorse. The mirror had gorgeous golden swirling over it's sides and created small diamantes at the top and the bottom.

Once dried off, hair and body, you insecurely made your way to the second door made of a warm color red with a golden door knob and slowly opened it. Your dirty clothes, that could be thrown away anyway, you left now only wrapped in one of the huge almost dress like towels.

This room was more normal, it had a huge king size bed and a desk, a walk in closet and a small sitting part with couches and queen like chairs. Well, normal for rich people then. A beautiful carpet and a huge book closet also containing a stereo. On the nightstand was a charger and when you looked closer it was your phone charging there. Except now it wasn't all banged up anymore. Next to the bed lay the bag you had been traveling with and forgot in the conference like room yesterday and new clean clothes on the edge of the bed itself.

You couldn't help but wonder why the sudden change in treatment. They had been so rough and mean and now they treated you like the fucking highest queen a world could even have. You opened the bag and everything you left back with the crashed plain was clean and back in it. The bag was also a lot cleaner then you remembered. Suddenly you felt a worry rising up. They had been rummaging in your bag and maybe threw away stuff. Hurriedly you opened the little side pocket to, to your relive, find the small badge thingy Mark had given you. You smiled a little sadly as the small thing glimmered in your fingers under the light of the room.

You would give it to his daughter. It hadn't been a promise but you could only imagine how bad the girl could want this back as it had been from her father. You put it back in the small pocket it had been in together with your charged up phone and changed your interest in the folded up clothes on the bed. On top lay a pair of underwear. Your favorite color and when you put them on they fitted like gloves, which kind of scared you because how did they know your exact size. Luckily the clothes were just simple. A dark blue skinny jeans and a black V-neck line shirt with short sleeves. The small scar from the wound from your arm slightly visible. By the mirror lay everything you would need for your hair and you made great use of it. Your hair was a disastrous mess and brushing it seemed harder then you ever expected.

Finally threw that part and feeling like you were practically bold now you put on the (f/c) converse at the next and hopefully last door. You decided to tie your washed hair up in a messy pony tail, just in case. The last door was locked though when you tryed to go through with your bag once again on your back. Then you remembered what the butler man had said. 'After your done with the shower please proceed to the second changing room for your new clothes and wait there till you will be fetched for.'

So, nosing around it was then. Your eyes fell on the stereo again after pulling open some boxes seemingly containing jewelry and stuff. With an evil smirk you tryed the on button and to your luck it went on. It played soft and gentle classical music. Biting your lip you changed the channel until you reached one where they played (y/f/s) and immediately you stayed stuck on that one. Putting up the volume you enjoyed the music you had actually missed way more then you even realized. Not five minutes later after the song had ended a butler guy unlocked the door and stepped in.

"If you would follow me please ma'am." He said.

You turned off the stereo and grabbed your bag running past. Sliding over the clean floor with your shoes you ran after the man out the door and, presumably, towards breakfast. Finally.


So finally you pore little things can have breakfast. A normal one! Well,.... normal. You'll see XD. I just want to say thanks for all the reads and votes and comments, you guys are really showing me some love! *Sniff* and I have no idea what to do in return! I love every single one of you who made it or rather put up with me so far and I hope you guy from my perfect gal army (yes I have a name... kinda lame maybe) stick around me and read others too so I can hopefully enjoy you more ^^. So mutch love! *Rin*

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