TW: Don't Bother

92 12 4

Trigger: Reference to Suicide

I'm close towards the edge
and don't know what to do
I'm inching slowly closer
I've thought this through and through.

I've reached out to you before.
And told you what I felt
You said that I was crazy
And to deal with the hand I 'd been dealt

I'm dancing on the limits
I am not afraid of heights
You've told me you don't get it
To complain; I have few rights.

You tell me YOU have problems.
Bills and work: TRUE STRIFE
I'm only just a whiner
Who doesn't appreciate my life.

I've told you that I'm sick
With an illness you cannot see
You said I must be faking
Since its only visible to me.

I've asked and asked for guidance
Resorted to bad habits to help with numbing
And when I jump over the edge
You'll say 'you never saw it coming'

You'll play the helpless victim
Cry tears about my loss
You'll say you didn't get it
My point never made it across

I'm standing now close to the edge
I guess this is goodbye
Just don't tell them that you loved me
You didn't bother even to try.

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to !-

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