To Hell With Good Boys

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I understand the pleasures;
of dating a bad girl or boy.
That way once it's over.
you already knew you'd be a toy.

You go in already knowing,
The dangers that you'll face,
So when in the end it happens;
The blame has a proper place.

See good guys are the devil
With smiles so warm and white
Promise you heaven and the moon
But when needed they take flight.

Left to question what happened
What YOU did that was wrong.
A huge mess; you are broken
Until time can make you strong.

I don't want safety or comfort
In the end it kills me more.
I want trouble and regrets
Make the heartbreak easier to ignore.

Trade the chivalry and kindness
For worn leather and an old guitar
So when I fall from fantasy
The ground won't be so far.

I understand now, really.
The enticement of bad decisions
No future to plan
No life goals that need revisions

My heart can't take the beatings
Of believing good boy's lies
With a bad boy it's expected
No more painfully long goodbyes

So give me no more heroes
It's no longer what I need.
Give me a villain to make me happy
With no high hopes I am freed.

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-

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