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Your voice still lingers
Ringing lonely through my brain
A ghost that haunts me nightly
Bringing with it countless pain

The sound it made when you laughed
Or the times I heard you cry
The way you said you loved me
And the time you said good bye

I know I shouldn't feel this
Words caught within my neck
Missing you is hopeless
I'm such a foolish wreck

Too late to regret messes
Take back words that were ill
I've created a pit of darkness
That nothing seems to fill.

Call it silly or guilt ridden
These thoughts plague me every night
To want you back so dearly
Though I've lost every single right.

I hear our old messages
The songs you used to sing
And every time I'm lonely
I wish the phone would ring

But it's too late to take back heartbreak
Change the path I now traverse
And though it pains me to acknowledge
It could have all been worse.

You may not even read this
Or care for what I say
I'll still pray every night for you
And twice throughout the day.

I've lost that sense of reason
The 'good angel' on my shoulder
I'm left with just more questions
And I'm only getting colder.

It's just such a sinful pity
It took me so long to realize
Just how  great you truly were
Only after I said my goodbyes.

So that's it, I'm done, its over
The greatest chance I know I blew
Just know that the good parts of me
You took them all with you.

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-

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