I warned you

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Run run
As far as you can
Don't try to trust me
You don't know who I am

Be cautious be warned
I do not wish you ill
But it's who I am
I am just a toxic spill

Don't try to fix me
I'm not broken or bent out of place
It's all in my nature
Its not just a phase

You'll get hurt And regret me
I know that you will
Don't get too attached to this mess
I'm just a quick thrill

Don't bother; don't try
Doesn't matter what you say
I'm not safe, I'm not easy
You should not try to stay

Yet you did and you tried
you were warned from the start
all you'd ever get from me
would be a broken heart.

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to !-

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