Lest we Forget

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-This is an old poem I did on DeviantArt in dedication to the tragic 9/11. :) One of my faves.- Winner of 'Best Poem' in the HamiltonPost awards here on wattpad. :)

Through tears and pain
and failed goodbyes
for screams and ashes
and shattered lives.

where did you stand
when they came down?
how did you crumble
when they hit the ground?

for men and women
souls; lost too soon
for children orphaned
just before noon.

we stood together
for once in AGES
to mourn our loss
of gone too soon faces

for metal that broke
and windows that cracked
for the crew and the people
on planes that were 'jacked'

for mother's who lost children
and father's alike.
for girls and boys
who didnt hear a loving goodnight.

we stand with you today.
with pride and no regret
for we're doomed to repeat.
all things we forget.

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to !-

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