Heart Attack

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My body is going numb

While my head is feeling light

Legs are feeling weak

And my chest is feeling tight

Why doesn't this feel like fairy tales?

Prince charming on a throne

Why must my delusion be halted

From the threat of being grown

My fingertips are tingling

There's a ringing in my ears

My stomachs doing acrobats

I'm blinded by my tears

This thing called 'love' we yearn for

Causes us a hurt beyond compare

Yet we try over and over again

And leave our minds beyond repair

My lungs are lacking oxygen

I'm slowly losing sight

If this is what love feel likes

I'm clearly not doing something right

We are promised joy and comfort

A place far away from the pain

Yet every time I find a home

I am left out in the rain

My insides are slowly burning

My heart is giving in.

In this stupid game of fantasy

I'm sure to never win

Don't take me to a hospital

A doctor won't cure my ails

I'll tough it out through this torment

Until my love sick heart just fails.

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to !-

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