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We'll dance across the stage

like the dolls we were born to be

let the strings be our guide

as we rest in conformity

We'll cry and sing at direction

the master at his mark

stay silent in our questions

without a stray remark

No need for our discretion

dreams, hopes, or desires

led blindly by the foolish

until we all expire.

Yet I will play the villain

and break my simple mold

scream freedom for my brothers

as this dance has gotten old

For I am called the bad guy

and the bad guy I shall be

I'll risk my own existence

for a chance to be called 'free'

yet the masters aren't happy

with a puppet with no ties

they cut down at my being

and call my proclamations 'lies'

I'll lay bare in my dark prison

watching others on their stage

no more strings for this old puppet

who swapped comfort for a cage.

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★!- 

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