TW: Lost in Wonderland

21 5 1

Trigger: obscure reference to substance abuse/ pill overdose.

One pill makes you larger

Two pills makes you small

Some pills make you sometimes,

Not remember anything at all.

You drink whatever potion

The witch makes inside her pot

cross your fingers, say a prayer

That this cures what you've got.

I've lost count of how many,

I've swallowed with my daily tea

The hatter meanwhile laughing,

At the mess that I call me.

The cat is saying riddles

The mouse is sound asleep

And I go wandering in circles

I'm too confused to weep

How did I get into this mess

I've lost all track of time

And while I'm trying to process

The caterpillar says another rhyme.

Three pills take the pain away

Few more might make you 'well'

So how about you take them all

Oh Alice, doesn't that sound swell?

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