TW: This is for you

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-With so much negativity going on right now, figured I put up something positive.- Trigger warning to reference to self-harm and depression.

Hey you, yes you,
The girl in the mirror
The one who feels
She will always be inferior

I'm talking to you
The one who isn't the right size,
The right height,
The one who isn't somebody's "prize"

I know it may seem
That your 'Midas's touch' is broken
And everything you touch
Is ruined.

You are unique,
Even if it doesn't seem true,
You are perfectly wonderful
At simply being YOU

Hey you, yes you
The one with the cuts across her arms
Playing a game called life
That you never seem to win

Hey you, yes you
The girl who never eats
Don't worry about being perfect
It's not possible, so why chase a false dream

I know it seems that the grass may be greener
On someone else's yard
But the 'water bill' is always higher
To keep up that illusion.

The girl who cries herself to sleep
The ones who are scared of the dark
The ones who are scared to be touched
The ones who are scared to speak up

Hey you. YES YOU!
I'm talking to you now
I'm just here to remind you

-★Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to ★ Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-★

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