Where do broken dreams go?

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Where do broken dreams go?


Do they dry up and fade away?

Like old brown leaves on an autumn day?

Do they cease to exist and are simply forgotten?

or do they fester and infest as they slowly go rotten?

Do they hide in the dark awaiting a turn?

Just waiting for the moment in which they can burn?

Do they lie dormant in thoughts until needed again?

Or sit growling and waiting like a bear in its den?

Do they simply erase and give your Brain some more room?

Or do they clutter your thoughts like old bones in a tomb?

Do they collect in a jar like coins from a purse?

Or do they haunt you forever like an olden times curse ?

I really do wonder as I throw another away

What happens to dreams when they don't turn out okay.

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to Also are there any prompts/topics/or scenarios you'd like for me to try writing? Let me know!-

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