Freak Show

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Come one, come all
Come see this creature on display
watch her rip herself to shreds
It's great for what you pay.

Come stare at this strange wonder
As she mopes and cries and roars
She won't be here for far too long
her life will go on tour.

Just see the beasts strange habits
She'll claw at her own skin
Don't worry she's not contagious
The monsters are safe within.

It's fine to crowd, it's encouraged
It will send her into a whirl
Just poke and prod and do dissect
Into a ball she'll curl.

Call her all the names you imagine
I'm sure she's heard them all before
Cut her down to pieces
What else is she here for?

At this grand bazaar of freaks and things
She's my favorite and I'm sure you see why
She thought she could be like a bird
But the dumb thing can not fly.

So step right up sirs and ladies
Don't worry about the pay
Just step up close and stare
At this freak that's on display.

-Thoughts? Comments? :D Let me know what you think! Don't forget to !-

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