•Chapter 5•

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I wasn't sure how, nor did I want to find out, but she knew.

She knew I was there.

My heart nearly flew out of my body when she directed her voice at me.

"Whoever you are, I saw you move that apple over there. Trying to be sneaky huh?" the woman asked.

I froze.

"Just make yourself comfortable, nothing to worry about okay?" She smiled gently.

Her posture didn't change.

She wasn't afraid, she wasn't scared.

She made it seem almost casual.

"W-who the hell are you talking to?" Jin asked, his body obviously trembling.

"Your guest. What? I already told you I can sense these things child," she mumbled.

"Sure you can," he answered sarcastically, taking a seat across from where I was.

I opened the can the young woman had placed in front of me and took a seat, picking it up to take a long drink of it.

I could care less if he threw me out now, I was really hungry and needed to fill my stomach up with something, even if it was alcohol.

He froze.

I could see it in his face.


"Thank you..." I finally, mumbled.

"See, I told you," she said to him angrily, taking another gulp of her beer.

"What's your name sweetie?" She asked kindly, turning towards me as if she could see me.

"Y/N," I answered simply.

"Ah, Y/N. So you must be from (Country/Name). My dad had business there. Y/N... Pretty name," she said.

I smiled shyly.

Jin finally sat down, his posture sluggish and trembling.

He must have been scared half to death.

"How long have you been here?" He asked shakily.

"I wouldn't know. I just woke up a couple of hours ago, and I was here."

He nodded, his head tilted down as if he was thinking about what to say next.

"How old are you darling?" She asked, getting back up and rummaging through the fridge.

"21 years old."

"Hey!? Who gave you permission to go through my fridge?!" He yelled out, his fear subsiding and turning into rage against her.

"Feeding your guest you moron. She's probably hungry and you're just sitting there stupidly," she groaned.

I smiled sadly.

Did this mean I'd have to go?

Where would I stay for the night?

I just wanted to be alone. I just wanted to be gone. I hadn't dropped down the balcony to be here. It was uncomfortable. I felt scared, I was confused, and beyond all that, i felt disgusted. I felt disgusted that I was in just undergarments, exposed for the world to see, if they could see me.

I sighed heavily as the young woman cooked, my stomach grumbling crazily when the smell of food filled the air.

For once, I wished to be home.

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