•Chapter 26: Final Chapter•

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*Jin POV*

I let go of Hani's hand, my eyes immediately trailing off to where I had seen her last. Her body was frail, her eyes so tearful and broken.



I had seen her silhouette walk in behind us and had brushed it off as me simply imagining things, hoping my brain had just decided to play tricks on me, that was until Hani mumbled a small, "it's her," while she said her vow.

"No matter the days that go by, you think about her beauty," she said.

I looked at the crowd of people who had gathered for my wedding, my father standing in the front row. Hani looked with me, smiling at her father who sat next to my stepmother and stepbrother.

Would they be able to forgive me if I ran out? Would Hani allow me to leave?

I looked back at Hani, who had finally finished her sentence, her eyes glazed as if she wished for me to stay. She knew I wanted to run, she knew I wanted to be happy, and I would only be happy at Y/n's side.

"Can I?" I asked, guilt building in the pit of my throat.

"Mr. Kim you may begin your vow," the priest urged, handing me the small book he had taken from Hani. Hani paused, her eyes going back to her father, before looking back at me, her demeanor completely different and fearless.

"Find her. BE happy," Hani whispered, a soft smile drawn on her cheeks.

I nodded, turning to run toward the doors I had seen Y/N run out of, Hani's tears falling when I did, and my heart felt for her. But I also knew this wasn't what we wanted and I wasn't about to let our lives be ruined.

I could hear my father's disapproval screams as I slid through the door and into the long hall, my eyes scanning the area like a madman, attempting to find her at all cost.

I had a chance to be with her, and I wasn't about to pass it up.

"Y/N," I yelled, soon the sound of my guest's footsteps began rushing into my ears. They were looking for the groom who had run away, Jimin and Namjoon running close behind me, Jungkook and Hoseok attempting to keep the guests inside of the venue hall.

That's when I spotted Jihoon and Jun, both of them looking at me in utter shock.

"Have you seen her?" I yelled, grabbing ahold of Jun's arms and shaking him.

They looked confused for a second, Jihoon suddenly snapping his fingers at me while looking over at Jun.

"If you're looking for that girl you've been looking for and groaning over, I saw her run towards the gardens outside of the venue," he smiled.

I bowed my thank you, my body turning in the direction of the door that led outside.

I ran towards it, my head only thinking about her and everything I wanted to say.

I wasn't going to let her go, I thought as I finally reached the gardens. There she was, crying in Jackson's shoulders, but this time I wouldn't let it discourage me.

Moving closer, Y/N's eyes widened when she saw me, turning away from me while Jackson turned to look at me.

"What are you doing here?" he asked angrily.

He must have still been mad that I didn't let him see Y/N while she was with me, but I didn't care. I was only there to see her not to confront him.

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