•Chapter 9•

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Hani and I sat frozen.

My heart sank to my stomach as she slammed her utensils onto the porcelain plate.

"That little fucker," she mumbled angrily, her hands balled up in a fist.

"It's okay... I think I should leave now...I need to find a place to stay before it gets dark," I said, setting down the chopsticks I had in hand.

It wasn't fair of me to stay at someone's place uninvited, even though I wasn't the one who chose where in heaven's name to land when I woke up.

I didn't even know I got there in the first place, let alone, know my way around the city.

Frustrated by my own thoughts, I got up from the table, making my way towards the door while Princess trailed behind me.

"I bet you're happy," I groaned, referring to the small dog whose eyes sparkled while she watched attentively my every move.

I opened the door, Hani protesting from behind me, grabbing a hold of my shoulder while I moved forward in an attempt to set myself free from her grip.

"Hold on Y/N..."

"It's okay... I'll find somewhere to stay."

"That's not what I-"

Just as I placed my foot through the door, a shocking force was felt through my body, sending me flying back with enough force to knock Hani down with me.

Princess stood silently behind us, my back to Hani as she pushed me up and off of her.

"I knew this would happen," she groaned, scooting back while she rubbed her head.

"W-what was that?" I stuttered out nervously.

"You may be a more solid feeling ghost, but you still obliged by the same rules as the other ones. You can't leave this place Y/N... No matter how hard you try."

I was confused.

"See, like most ghosts, you're attached to Jin's apartment, and him as a whole. The only way in hell you'll be able to leave these walls is if either he invites you to tag along with him, or if you move on to the afterlife. And to do that, Jin has to help you cross."

"So how do I get to the afterlife? I don't want to become a nuisance to Jin. Plus, I don't think Princess likes me," I added, finally getting off the floor and on my feet.

I was desperate to leave.

Not that I hated him or anything, but my stay was unwelcome and I didn't want to prolong my departure if I was to leave I had to leave immediately. Plus, it had never been my intention to live in limbo. I just wanted to rest in peace. I just wanted to be alone. I just wanted to forget and not remember.

Hani smiled, walking away from me and bending down to pet a very eager Princess.

"It's not that she doesn't like you. She's simply afraid of you since she doesn't know you. And about crossing, I assume you lost at the very least two years of your memories, like all the other ghost have, em I right?"


"Well, like the others, you'll have to get all your memories back first, find out under what circumstances you died, and how Jin can help you fix anything left undone. He's done it before so it's not like he doesn't know what he's up against."

I sighed.

Not only was I stuck in that place... I also would have to stay there for a while until three years of memories came back.

"Then why did he told me to leave even though he knew I couldn't."

"He was simply frustrated. He's a stupid one alright, and to be honest, you have to be extremely patient with him. He's only like that to ghost, but eventually, he'll soften up and then when you finally leave him, he'll probably cry for days upon days. He's a weird one..."

My heart sank at her words.

"Cry? For me?"

"Jin has a tendency of getting attached to ghosst faster than he gets attached to humans. He's the same with animals...Oh! And also his reflection."

I laughed at her remark.

Suddenly, she walked away, running to the area of his room and came back with her handbag.

"Quick question Y/N... Do you happen to be in only your underwear?" She asked.

My body paralyzed.

If Hani could see me, she'd probably see me blushing, my cheeks warm as the blood rushed up and through my body.

"Y-yeah," I admitted shyly.

"Hmm... That's what I thought. No wonder when you fell on me all I felt was skin. How about I go out and get you some clothes? Tell me your size and I'll buy you some. That way you won't be walking around half-naked in the home of a single man."

"Oh... Okay," I agreed bashfully.

She nodded, walking towards the door while talking out a simple notepad and handing it to me.

"Shirt size, Jean size, shoe size, and underwear size. Also your favorite color and do you or do you not get cold easily?"

Taking the small notepad, I began writing all the information she needed.

I handed it to her, her smile kind as she walked out.

"I'll be back in an hour or two. Meanwhile, why don't you make yourself at home? Maybe become friends with Princess while I'm gone," she added, closing the door after she mentioned bringing another dog when she came back.

I looked down at the very excited corgi who seemed to be smiling at me mischievously.

"Do you want to get along with me?" I asked curiously, bending down to pet her.

After two pets, she pulled away, turning around with sass while waddling to the living room.

"I'm taking that as a possible maybe...No?"


🐨I know this book has been dead for quite a while, but due to BTS coming to the AMAs, I have decided to add a chapter.

Just so y'all have something to read while y'all wait for them to come on.

Hope you enjoy this.

I'll be back with more during the winter break, but till then, I hope this is enough to satisfy my children's thirst.

Love you my beautiful 😘😘

Mama KoalaBeaw

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