•Chapter 23•

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It was dark, the area around me pitch black, without a single spark of light in sight. My eyes began to adjust to the dark, looking around for any source of light but finding none. My body felt cold, like I had been put in an ice bath, only to be taken out into a cold snowy field afterwards.

What was this odd feeling?

Maybe it was the feeling of death or the feeling of emptiness. I wasn't sure what I was feeling, but there was one thing I was certain of. I wanted to be with Jin.

Why am I here? Jin, help me.

My hands reached out, attempting to hold onto something, but I failed. I wanted to go back, to see his radiant smile every morning, to hear his cheerful jokes, and smell the delicious aroma he filled the apartment with when he cooked.

Jin I miss you.

A flash of light came zooming by after a couple seconds of me moving my arms around, the light soon turning into a cloud of memories continuously being shown to me.

They were my memories with Jin, Princess, Jjangu and Hani.

Seeing them laugh, dance around, and even get mad made my body feel warm.

It was familiar, it was my happiness.

Jin's beautiful smile, oh how I would miss it, Princess's sassy attitude and judgmental gaze, Jjangu's playful and happy go lucky attitude, and Hani's sister like protection.

I saw the memories of me meeting the guys without actually meeting them, Jin's very memorable laughter breaking the silence they often created.

I saw Princess's and Jjangu's usual playful tail wags moving across the memories, Princess coming over to sit in my lap to cheer me up while Jjangu ran laps around me like an athlete.

Seeing Jin hug me tightly when it rained made me realize how much I loved him. His protective hands wrapping around me like a barrier against evil. He was my talisman., my good luck charm.

I saw the memory of when he had gotten sick, my hands holding his, gently singing to him in hopes of making the pain go away. His pain-filled face made my tears running down my face like a cascading waterfall.

Why had he drunk so much? I remember wondering.

I remember cleaning his face with a wet rag, wondering when he'd open his eyes and great me with his sweet smile.

I loved his smile.

The screen changed, suddenly, to something, a memory I hadn't seen before.

Or was it not a memory, but what was actually happening in the present?

My eyes filled with more tears, streams coming down as I watched in horror how Jin cried at Hani's shoulders, two tiny ash jars being placed next to two larger ones in a funeral home box, where people who were cremated where usually put in. This one was far larger, and there were already two peoples' ashes there. As I looked closer, I realized who they where. They were Jin's mother and his brother's ashes.

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