•Chapter 22•

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Jin sat outside the door, continuing to knock even if his eyes were closing on their own.

His face was stained with tears, his lips dry and throat sore from all the yelling he had been doing to get her out, but she wouldn't budge.

"Y/N, at least tell me what I've done before getting mad," he cried tiredly, hitting the door with the back of his tired hand.

She wouldn't budge, her sobs heard throughout the apartment, echoing like a dreadful reminder of Jin's selfishness.

He felt hopeless, his hands continuing to bang against the door.

"Y/N please, tell me what did I do-"


He went silent, what was left of his already broken heart shattering into a million pieces. He had wanted to keep her protected, to keep her from suffering even more.

"Because of your selfish actions I suffered more. Jin, you never once thought about me. You didn't even consult me on the matter. You simply got the information and kept it from me. To come to find out that you and Jae-"

"Stop it!! Stop it I said!!" Jin interrupted, covering his ears.

He didn't want to admit that his actions had been, indeed, for the benefit of himself.

Jin wanted to keep her a little longer, and his love for her had blinded him from reality. But he didn't. He couldn't let her go, not when she brought him so much happiness, so many joyful days, and laughter.

Just as Y/N opened the door to the restroom, Jin was shoved to one side, a large figure moving towards Y/N and hugging her.

It was Jackson, pulling her closer and wrapping his arms around her.

Y/N was now almost completely visible, her tears running down her face the moment her body came in contact with his.

"How did you get here?" Jin asked, confused as to how he'd gotten in, in the first place.

"I did my part Y/N. Ah, I see Jin is still being pitiful as ever, come here, we need to talk," Hani said, grabbing onto Jin and pulling him by the arm, a small set of 7 keys hanging around her neck.

"So that's how," Jin thought to himself


"What are you doing here and why did you bring him?"

"I'm here doing your job for you, you selfish prick," Hani groaned.

She grabbed his necktie, one he hadn't been able to change out of since he had stayed by the door the whole day before.

He was still in his suit, his hair a jumbled mess from the number of times he had run his hand through it while thinking.

"I'm here because Y/N called for help. You were supposed to tell her about Jae but instead kept it hidden for your own selfish desires. For crying out loud, SHE'S DEAD JIN! LET-HER-GO!" she yelled in his face.

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