•Chapter 12•

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*Jin POV*

If only she knew the type of person Hani was, she wouldn't speak of her so lightly.

Yeah, Hani had a so-called sweet side, but it was usually a ruse she used to make people drop their guard around her before she attacked like a viper.

She was a toxic person, someone who had spun a web that trapped my father into forcing me to marry her.

She was the so-called, "solution to the problem brought by such an ill-behaved child."

Hating her was an understatement.

I was disgusted by her.

Ignoring the mentioning of Hani, I decided to continue on with the task at hand, which was cooking.

I took out some ingredients here and there and decided to prepare some simple Korean dishes, hoping that she'd enjoy at least one of the plates I'd make.

It was a bit hard to do much with her there, not because she was in the way, but more because of my nerves.

I had never had a spiritual being actually take a physical form.

Well, if you could call what she was physical.

I wasn't sure if she was staring at me or not, but the room was silent while I cooked, the smoke of the food going from place to place.

How was a spirit supposed to digest anyways?

"Um..excuse me sir," she interrupted timidly, her voice coming from the direction of the table.

"Yes?" I answered as kindly as I could.

See, I may have been an asshole to Hani, but this woman wasn't her.

I felt bad for yelling at her, and my only way to make up for it was by being nice to her.

"Um...Hani wanted you to call her."

I groaned at her words, reluctantly going over to my house phone and looking for Hani's contact number.

If I didn't call she would have made her way over, uninvited, and would pull the ever-living crap out of my ears. A shiver ran down my body at the simple thought of the screeching witch coming over to my place.

"Be a sweetheart and stir that for me," I said while pointing at the stirfry I had left on the stove.

I heard no response but soon saw the spoon moving on its own.

"So she's really there," I thought to myself.

I continued down the list of numbers until I came to the one which read "Bird Face Woman" and clicked on it, waiting patiently for her to pick up.

"Hello?" I heard her answer almost instantly.

"What did you want?" I asked coldly.

I could practically see her face turning red out of rage from the way I had responded.

"Look you piece of trash, I just wanted to tell you that I sent you something with Jimin. I saw him when I went for a check-up to his hospital. I knew your ass would take a fucking while to call me back so I made it easy for your sorry ass. Why are you such an ass hu? You better be treating your guest right you asshole or else you won't hear the end of it you hear me!"

"What is it?" I asked looking over at the kitchen while wondering what the heck this crazy woman had sent.

Y/N was still stirring away, the spoon moving slowly round and round until it picked up the pace and then slowed down again.

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