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Chapter 13

It was pretty chilly here in France when it's summer. I had my ear buds tucked into my earlobes, the beats of the music made me feel as if the world was spinning around me. I had my black wedges, along with high waist blue skinny jeans. My white blouse was tucked in, showing off my slim body figure. Luckily I had my red scarf around my neck keeping it warm, because for what a chilly day it is. Also I am happy that Jerry had gotten me this black knee length coat.

I had my camera in my hands taking different perspectives of the world around me here in France. I knelt down taking an image of the ground then far in the background was the scenery of this city. 

"Hey." A familiar voice spoke to me, which made me jump a little by the surprise of who ever interrupted me when I was most focused.

I turned to my surprise that Alfred was there, and why is he standing in front of me? "Hey." Pulling out my earbuds, I spoke with amusement but it was a bit blunt.  I looked down at my camera, clicking through the pictures. 

"It's sort of a shocker that were both in France." He chuckled lightly, almost as if he doesn't really know what else to say. 

I sighed. "Did you come here to follow me or something, because don't you remember earlier back in Italy I told you to go find anything or something else to do?" I hope he got the hint that I was a little agitated to see him. 

"I know you want me to say yes to the part that I followed you." He had his hands into parentheses as if a thirteen year old was trying to point there thought or opinion across. "Through I didn't come here to see you, I came here for the same reason you came." He smirked. 

"So your bosses told you to come here in France directly where I am at?" I had my eyebrow raised, as if this is a situation like 'My dog ate my homework.'

He signed looking to the side. "Yea it's true, it's hard to believe but I guess were just destined to be." He gave a devilish smile and winked, his blue eyes were staring right into my eyes. I almost felt as if was trying to hypnotize me. 

I huffed grumpily. "Aucune chance." I got up and started to walk away. I had said 'not a chance' to him in french.  

Surprisingly he was following me, when will this guy leave me alone. "Why can't you just give yourself to me and then were done, as simple as that." He waved his hands in the air, like a child.

I stopped right in my tracks which he did to. I walked right up to him, keeping my face as broad as possible. " Alfred I'm not like the other girls you've been with apparently. I don't give myself up towards a guy who is only looking for a game to play. I'm not that kind of girl who does it then forgets it as if it's nothing. I can't do that, but some how a cold heart'ed beast like you can. As if you really enjoy breaking young girls hearts. People who care about me warn me about people like you, and I don't need someone like you in my life. Just to make me feel special and that your the center of my life line." I huffed after speaking so quickly because my voice was full of frustration.

He stood there with a blank face as if he couldn't think at all. Afterwards I started to walk away, but he spoke up in a gruff voice which made me stop some how. As if the power in his voice was putting a curse on me. 

"That's because you don't know me as the man I am." He was looking at me with broken eyes, and I hate it when my heart stung. When I meet his demon blue eyes, how deep inside they looked broken. 

I straightened my back, held my chin high. "I know exactly who you are, a selfish cold man that has the label of a Playboy." I felt a small stabbing sensation in my heart, which was killing me slowly. How come I'm always emotional right after I get so frustrated at situations. 

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