Playing with love (Carter Reynolds fanfic)

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Today is the day my mom is kicking me out for her new "boyfriend" to move into my room, thanks mom so much love shown there...

"Mom how long have you known this.... This guy?" I said entering the kitchen

"Kalie, calm down we have been dating for two years... It's time for us to start living together."

"Ok so why is he moving into my room."

She took a deep breathe sitting down a plate she was washing

"Because, we are old school and we would like to keep it that way.."

"Fine, I have to go look for a place. Ill be back."

"Ok come back soon so you could meet Rob."

"Ya sure" I said closing the door behind me. I haven't even met this new guy "rob" but he must special, or better at sex than the others... 15 others. I know I know you should be supportive of your moms new relationship but, me and my mom were never close.. But me and my dad we were two peas in a pod. He died when I was seven.. I can't believe it's been ten years. My dad was killed in a car crash, he was drinking and driving... he got into the car drunk after a fight with my mom, it took me two years just to forgive my mom. She let him walk out, and because of that he is dead.. That's why I don't drink and the reason why I don't have a car.. To much fear.

I hopped on bus 23 taking me downtown.

As I got off I notice a bunch of wanted posters on the pole but one special , brighter than the others caught my eyes

'Wanted: roommate, 950 dollars a month, your own bathroom and bed room. Share responsibilities such as washing dishes , cleaning the house, and etc. if interested call: 828-236-5674'

(The phone number isn't real)

I took the paper off the pole and looked for a place to eat. I stopped at subway. As I sat down and ate my meatball sub I called the number


"Hi yes, um I'm calling for your room you are renting?"

"Oh ya well, you already know everything. Um you can come over at 7:30 to look at the condo."

"Ok, well my name is Kalie Jane Williams. And I will see you in three hours"


"Ok bye"

Wow, the guys voice was deep but full of happiness and love.. I wonder what he looks like? Anyway I have to go home and find out the bus route to the condo.. And then I have to meet my moms boyfriend "Rob" I'm not dressing up for this.. Nope just a crop top that says 'whatever', jeans, and blue converse.

As I entered the house I smelt pasta and bread

"What are we having?"

"Well I made shrimp linguine, with garlic bread."

"Ooo is he like a vampire? Hm that would be cool he would runaway because of the garlic then I wouldn't have to meet...."

I was cut off by my mom

"Kalie watch your mouth, you don't have to be here if you don't want to."

"That's exactly what you said to dad before he walked out.." I fire back without even thinking about how much my words would effect her

"Get out.."

"Fine." I grabbed my bag and slammed the door behind me..

Now I just need to find bus 62 hopefully this condo will work I can't stand my mom

She hates me anyway...

I arrive at this condo, it looks nice from the outside, it's a dark blue with white trimming, and green grass. I walk up to the door and knock. I look up from the floor as the door opens to a god... He's so attractive... I think at this point I'm drooling because he snaps his fingers


"Oh sorry what did you say?" He giggles a little

"Are you Kalie?"

"Yes, and you are?"

"I'm Carter, Carter Reynolds."

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